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Ethnic Neighbourhoods

Essay Instructions:
You will be assigned an ethnic/immigrant neighbourhood in Toronto to study. I was given Little Italy.Choose one of the following perspectives: - Redevelopment/Gentrification - Suburbanization - Cultural Identity Politics - Economic Integration (Labour market/ Entrepreneurial activities) - Urban Poverty - Creative Economy - Neighbourhood Changes - Discrimination and Inequality - Citizen Participation/Political Integration in the urban governance - Transnational Community Formation 1) Introduction: Briefly introduce the ethnic/immigrant neighbourhood of your choice and the issue that you are studying. (approx. 1/2 page) 2) Research Background: Using at least 5 scholarly materials, provide an academic literature review on the issue as it applies to the chosen neighbourhood. (approx. 2 pages) 3) Content: Identify why this neighbourhood deserves to be studied from the perspective you have chosen. Provide the demographic profile and general background information related to the neighbourhood. The main objective of this part is to provide a case study on your research topic. You will explore the questions like: How the issue of your focus affect the neighbourhood?/ How the research issue is visible on the site of your neighbourhood? You are encouraged to include review of newspaper articles, government or non-profit reports, photographs from personal site visits, maps, and census data or other statistics. (approx. 3-4 pages) 4) Discussion: Highlight and discuss (approx. 1-2 pages): - how the neighbourhood study that you have undertaken contributes to an understanding of the specific issue, & - how your research findings on the neighbourhood fit into your review of the academic literature. - What are the similarities and differences between the two realms listed above. - What models, theories and concepts can be applied to your neighbourhood study.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discrimination and Inequality: Little Italy, Toronto
Discrimination and Inequality: Little Italy, Toronto
Little Italy is a district in Toronto, Canada. The town’s name came as a result of many Italians migrating from their home countries and settling in the area. It is known for many Italian Canadian businesses and restaurants. Italians in the Canada have made this district their home as almost everything in the area is done the Italian way. Most people in the country are attracted to this neighborhood as a result of its nightlife activities. The development of Little Italy in Toronto has not come to pass without a number of issues. Top on the list is discrimination and inequality. Discrimination and equality can be defined as the act of allocating resources or treating individuals in unfair manner based on their color, race, religion, cultural believes, and gender among other factors (Howard-Hassmann & Welch, 2012). This paper intends to examine the issue of inequality and discrimination and how it applies to Little Italy in Toronto.
Literature Review
The issue of discrimination and inequality and discrimination is widespread around the globe. People find themselves victims of the same especially in situation where they are the minority. The majority population normally view them as a threat and as such treat them as enemies. In most cases, the minority also viewed as lesser being and hence must not be treated equally with the majority. This is an issue that was evident and still is in Little Italy in Toronto (Howard-Hassmann & Welch, 2012).
The 20th century saw Italians leave their homes cross borders into other countries in such of greener pastures. Basically, most of them left their country to look for jobs during hard times. Their decisions to enter other countries led to them facing many problems. Among the countries they migrated into was Canada. They decided to settle near Toronto. Canada had to enact strict immigration policies to reduce the number of Italians entering the country. Italians in the district had to endure a lot to be able to survive in the country. The fact is that were it not for the increased demand for cheap labor before and after the world war most of them would not have managed to enter the country (Gesualdi, 2012).
Canadians had seen what had happened in the New York, United States and hence did not the same to happen in the country. Italians has also entered the United States looking for jobs. Initially, there were only of few of them but later on the number increased tremendously despite the hardships they were facing while operating in the country. As a result, Canadians enacted immigrations laws that were discriminatory in nature. This was done to render the country unattractive to the Italians hence the reduction in their numbers (Gesualdi, 2012).
Nevertheless, the increased demand of cheap labor in the country led to many Italians entering the country to work in different sectors. This led their increase in numbers in the area. The issue of racial discrimination escalated as they were treated like lesser humans. Individuals of British descent also joined Canadians in discrimination against Italians. This was because the British people normally view themselves as a superior race and as such have the tendency to look down upon any other race. Italians would not retaliate in any way considering the fact that they were outnumbered in a foreign country. The only choice they had was endurance. Those who felt enough was enough had to leave the countries and entered other American countries in search of better living standards. Surprisingly, their fate was the same as the issue of discrimination was widespread in like all American countries (Kaitlin, 2012).
Currently, inequality and discrimination in Little Italy is no longer an issue as people of the Italian origin seem to be managing their affairs without any interference. They have been able to heal from their previous wounds and have also proven to Canadians that they not an inferior race. A good number of Canadians find themselves attracted to the region as a result of the unique cultures. Italian businesses are now booming in a region something their fore fathers would not have anticipated (Gesualdi, 2012).
Early Italians had to endure many problems that resulted from Canadians discriminating against them based on their color. Most of them had to face issues relating to unemployment, poor housing, and language issues. The fact is that most of them arrived in the region with high hopes that Canada the answer to its problems. Nonetheless, this was entirely true. Canadians were not willing to share their jobs with foreigners. This is because they felt threated by their presence and were willing to do anything to send them out their country (Gesualdi, 2012).
Italians living in the area could only access few jobs that were not well paying or did not require professional skills. This made their life hard as they could not sustain their lives in the desired way. Essentially, most of them worked in roads construction and railroads as this were the only jobs available to foreigners. There master could also mistreat them knowing very well that nothing could be done about it. Some could even go unpaid. Housing was also a major issue. At the time, they were only allowed to live in shady house that were dangerous to their health (Gesualdi, 2012).
Things changed a little bit after the world war when the government changed its immigration laws. Italians for the first time saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Their numbers increased tremendously as more and more Italians entered the country in search of jobs. Nonetheless, this was only the beginning to a new era of discrimination. Until early 1980s, Italians in Little Italy Toronto were not allowed to socialize freely. For example, they were not allowed to gather around in groups to discuss anything. They would only meet secretly in their houses as the knowledge of this could lead to persecution. For instance, Italians were great funs of football back in the days. As such, they used to meet in small group and listen to radios together. This was not allowed as police officers could disperse them for fear that they were planning a terrorist attack. Such laws were only app...
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