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Ethics Self Reflection on Social Injustice

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Ethics Self-Reflection Project Matthew Palombo, PhD Ethics (also called Moral Philosophy) is the critical reflection on “the good”, and self-reflection is an essential part of this. Self-reflection is the practice of critically thinking about yourself and what you think is “good”; this includes questions such as why you believe what you believe, where do your moral values come from, what are your intentions, how your context and situation influences your ideas, who you are becoming as a person, what privileges and opportunities you have or do not have, how are you related to others, what assumptions are you making, etc… It is often much easier to reflect critically about society, institutions and other people, but to turn this reflection onto one’s self is equally if not more important. And much more difficult! Oftentimes, self-reflection begins when we experience personal or social injustices in the world – things that violate our moral values - and we try to struggle to change them. If we don’t engage in selfreflection, our struggles for justice might easily become self-absorbing, misguided or perhaps we simply make things worse. By gaining a better understanding of ourselves, our struggles to make this world a better place become more clear, honest and effective. I want you to answer each question below in a thoughtful, honest and informed way. Answer each question in a separate paragraph and save in one document. You should write a minimum 1000 words for the entire project (average of 200 words per question). Submit in D2L Assignments folder by the due date on schedule. You may also do this assignment orally by recording yourself (audio and/or video) answering the questions below. This would be about 30 minutes. If you do it with video, it would be powerful (but not necessary) to choose a background location that is relevant to the social injustice you discuss below. Upload the audio/video file to the D2L Assignments folder. 1. Explain a recent social injustice that you have experienced or heard about. Give good details. This might be institutional, cultural, political or systemic. It needs to be an injustice that influences many people, not just yourself. Since this social injustice is beyond your personal experiences, you need to do some research to be able to explain it with accurate and reliable sources. In other words, “how do you know it is a social injustice?” 2. Identify at least two assumptions that you yourself have about the social injustice you just explained. Where do your assumptions come from? Are they good and accurate assumptions or not? 3. Why do you believe that this is a social injustice? In other words, what moral values is it violating? Where do these moral values come from for you personally? Name at least three sources for your own moral values. Are these good and reliable sources for your moral values, and why or why not? 4. Explain two things about your own life, context, experiences or privileges that influences how you think about this social injustice. 5. What relationships (personal; social; natural) do you have in your life that might help or hinder your own struggle to change this social injustice?

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1 Explain a recent social injustice that you have experienced or heard about. Give good details. This might be institutional, cultural, political, or systemic. It needs to be an injustice that influences many people, not just yourself. Since this social injustice is beyond your personal experiences, you need to do some research to explain it with accurate and reliable sources. In other words, “how do you know it is a social injustice?”
One of the timeliest pressing issues is the typhoon Ulysses that devastated many areas, especially the Philippines’ poverty-stricken sectors. In a report by Rappler (2020), Typhoon Ulysses pounded Regions II, III, IV-A, and the National Capital Region, thereby unleashing its powerful winds and heavy rain that left the majority of these areas inundated. People have been appealing for help, especially in the Cagayan Valley, where rescue teams failed to respond when the water level was not yet relatively high. Many people died secondary to drowning, electrocution, cold, stroke, cardiac arrest, and the lack of food, clean water, and shelter for consecutive days. Nevertheless, both local and national governments did not seem to care for their fellow citizens. The leaders of each sector were allegedly on vacation despite the weather forecast warning. The leaders of many districts were absent CITATION Mol20 \l 13321 (Molo, 2020). Rescue missions were only pursued when videos of people dying circulated on social media. The province did not have enough resources despite the big-budget allotted for the year, and there were only a few rescue boats and teams available for the whole province CITATION Bar20 \l 13321 (Barcia, 2020).
This is a social injustice because these people were not treated as equals, and they were not provided their right to survival, especially when they pay taxes for the leaders to utilize the funds for public safety. Instead, they were left by their leaders to die without fighting a chance.
2 Identify at least two assumptions that you have about the social injustice you just explained. Where do your assumptions come from? Are they reasonable and accurate assumptions or not?
The first assumption is that many leaders in the Philippines’ currently devastated areas did not care enough for their fellow citizens to conduct a reduction risk assessment and preventive measures despite the weather forecast warnings. The lack of rescue boats and trained rescue teams shows a lack of preparation and fund utilization. The incompetence of the country’s leaders led to its citizens’ demise and, if not death, then the loss of their belongings and livelihood, which may be permanent.
The first assumption came from the fact that the country itself is within the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it prone to natural calamities such as typhoons, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis CITATION Natnd \l 13321 (National Geographic, n.d.). It means that these calamities have always been happening to the country, but there is still no proper government response. This makes it an accurate assumption.
The second assumption is that the absentee leadership is secondary to personal reasons where their families might have experienced the same, allowing them to prioritize their family’s safety before their fellow citizens’. It comes from the fact that the whole province is submerged in water, and the leaders’ residence might have been affected too. This reason is quite controversial since no reports have been issued supporting ...
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