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Ethical Issues in Advertising Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

Journal: Week 05 Ethical Organizational Culture

Think about the problem description from your final project and then complete this ethical organizational culture assessment. (attached)

[My TOPIC: For Ogilvy online advertising group

Moral problems in online advertising, especially influencer marketing ethics.

MCN organizations or KOLs/KOCs/Influencers themselves must decide if they will accept the promotion, will they only say good things/positive comments? Or will they tell the truth to guide consumers (their followers) properly?

Sometimes in order to increase the sales, they may exaggerate the advantages of the product, then the problem is how to balance ethics and reality in influencers marketing?]

[Memo attached]

In your entry, answer the questions below. Show each question followed by your answer.

Think about what might happen if you take moral ownership, that is, speak up (Hannah et al., 2011) about the moral problem that you have identified for your memo. In particular, Matt and Shahinpoor (2011) talk about consequences that employees may experience by saying something about a moral problem.

1.What are the potential positive consequences?

2.What are the potential negative consequences?

3.Which positive or negative consequences are most likely to happen?

4.Which action as outlined by Kaptein (2010) do you think you would be most likely to take: inaction, confrontation, reporting to management, calling an ethics hotline, or external whistleblowing? Explain your choice, drawing from your scores for the various dimensions of the Corporate Ethical Virtues Model, among other things.

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Ethical Issues in Advertising
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Ethical Issues in Advertising
Sometimes to increase sales, advertisers may exaggerate the advantages of the product, and this creates the problem of how to balance ethics and reality in influencer marketing. Such marketing is considered deceptive marketing strategies and it has both positive and negative consequences. In this case, reporting to management would be the most ideal action.  
1. What are the potential positive consequences?
Exaggeration and deception in marketing are likely to convince more customers and thus increase sales volumes. The marketing team will only speak of the positive sides of the products, and this will attract customers. As such, they will be convinced to buy the product and the marketing team will achieve its marketing objectives. Increased sales volumes will translate to increased profitability and expansion of the consumer base. Further, this will improve the company’s competitive position in the market. The brand image and value will rise albeit for a short time before the deception is unearthed. 
2. What are the potential negative consequences?
The deceptive marketing strategies could lead to legal action against the company. In economies and markets, marketing is controlled by the local authorities and the legislations in place. Deception in marketing is punishable by law in all economies because it misleads consumers and it could potentially harm their health. Also, it leads to false and unhealthy competition, and this could lead to such legal actions against the brand as its license being r...
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