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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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5 questions

Essay Instructions:

Write casually, no word count is required. Just write all Q1-Q5

Just answer question 1- question5

no word limit

whatever u write is ok

easy (every question 50 words-100words is ok )

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Question 1.
* (P1) One of the reasons why we approve the use of a drug is when society reaches a consensus about its value. (P2) In one recent survey of public opinion done, it was reported that about 73 percent thought medical marijuana should be allowed. (P3) In addition, the California Association for the Treatment of AIDS Victims support smoking as a treatment option for AIDS patient. (C) Therefore, it is about time that we make marijuana an option for people in chronic severe pain.
* The assumption for this argument is that the main reason why society approves drugs is due to the consensus of those living within the said society.
* The fallacies in this case are fallacies of unacceptable premise and false premise. On the one hand, there is a fallacy of unacceptable premise because the citation of California Association for AIDS victims is not relevant. On the other hand, it has a false premise because it assumes that consensus is the only thing needed for approval of drugs.
Question 2.
* The learning style/intelligence that Lisa has includes; (1) bodily-kinesthetic, (2) naturalist, and (3) linguistic. First, she is a bodily-kinesthetic learner because she learns by practicing. Second, she is a naturalist since she feels more comfortable in a natural environment. Finally, she is a linguistic learner because she is good at communicating with other people.
Question 3.
* The thre...
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