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Ethical Dilemma and the Stakeholders Linked to It

Essay Instructions:

Ethical dilemma case assignment

ASSIGNMENT #1 - Ethical Dilemma Case Assignment1

This assignment offers you the opportunity to explore the ethical decision-making process introduced in the seminar and apply the steps to a current ethical dilemma that you are facing.   This assignment has TWO DEADLINE DATES:  
  1. The DRAFT is due uploaded to Canvas by 11:59pm the night before our third seminar meeting (For exact date and time see the seminar schedule for your section). Instructions are below.
  1. The FINAL is due one week after your final Seminar meeting (for exact date, see Schedule & Deadlines document) Instructions are below.
  You must upload your draft to Canvas by 11:59pm the night before your third meeting. It is ok to use notes and bullet points, but you must express complete thoughts. The important thing is to work through all of the information in a way that others can understand. Include details and fully answer ALL parts of the assignment.  

Step 1: Choose your Ethical Dilemma

  Think of an ethical dilemma that you are currently involved in (this is not about your integrity violation and cannot be a situation that you have already resolved!). An ethical dilemma is a conflict between two (or more) “rights” (e.g. honesty, trust, responsibility, respect, comfort, security, happiness, freedom). We all face multiple ethical dilemmas throughout our lives and there is no doubt that you are facing some right now! These may be short, immediate issues, or on-going, spread over years. They may be small or large.   If you are having trouble coming up with something, schedule a preliminary meeting with a peer educator to talk about ideas for you to write about.   The situation you choose should be one that is not easy to work through. You should not be sure what to do. The point of this assignment is to practice thinking through the dilemma and to get consultation on what you should do---if it isn’t difficult, it wouldn’t be a dilemma and you wouldn’t need consultation.   Make sure it is a current dilemma involving you, where you are conflicted between multiple right options and there is not a clear right answer.  

Step 2: Describe the Dilemma

  ●     Why is it an ethical dilemma? Identify and discuss all conflicting values, principles, and/or interests involved. ●     Discuss any rules or behavioral standards that could be violated by taking one action or another. ●     What are the contributing factors that led to the situation?

Step 3: Identify the stakeholders (those involved in and potentially affected by the dilemma)

  ●     Who is involved (hint: it is probably more people than you think at first!) Think about the ripple effect of choices and actions in regard to this dilemma. List all the possible stakeholders. ●     Next to each stakeholder, explain why that person could be affected (both positively and negatively) by this situation.  
 Step 4: List possible options for resolving your ethical dilemmas.

  ●     Think up as many choices for action as you can. What could you do to resolve the situation? List at least 6 or 7 options here.  
 Step 5: Review your Options
  ●     Of all the options for action you listed, identify and discuss 2 or 3 that might be the “right” course of action. For each action, discuss the following:
  • What would the possible consequences, both positive and negative, be and which stakeholders could be affected?
  • What values or principles would this choice likely undermine or uphold (e.g. honesty, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, or fairness)? How would these values be upheld or undermined?
  • What rules, standards, codes of ethics, policies, and/or guidelines might each choice uphold or violate?
Step 6: Write down at least 5 questions you want to ask your Peer Educator and your group that may help you navigate the ethical dilemma.
During Meeting 3, your Peer Educator and group will help you think through your dilemma, answer your questions, and develop your ideas. This process will help you think more clearly and carefully about your situation, will help you revise your draft, and will help you choose the “right” course of action.   Think about:   ●     What would help you clarify the situation? ●     What issues would you like input on?   Go beyond questions such as “what should I do?”. Instead, focus on questions that serve to uncover new perspectives and ways of navigating your dilemma (e.g. What do you think this dilemma uncovers about my values/perspective? Do you think I have any “blind spots” when discussing this dilemma? Have I missed any stakeholders? Are there options that I am not seeing? Etc.).  
 Step 7: Upload your draft to Canvas by 11:59pm the night before our 3rd seminar meeting (for exact date and time see the seminar schedule for your section on Canvas).
You will be discussing the draft of your assignment in our third seminar meeting. It is your responsibility to use that opportunity to get all the feedback you would like on your dilemma and your assignment.

After your discussion in Meeting 3…

 Step 8: Revise your draft based on feedback and insights gained in seminar. Add a discussion of the “right” course of action that you will take. 

Remember, in an ethical dilemma, the “right” course of action often does (at least) one of the following:

●     Elicits the greatest good and the least harm

●     Is congruent with a guiding framework which can be applied universally (to all situations)

●     Serves the common good of the community involved

●     Is most fair to all involved

 In your discussion of your choice of action, include the following:

 ●     Identify which action you have decided is the “right” course of action that you will take.

●     Reflect on and discuss what thoughts, interactions, and learnings have led you to your “right” course of action. Why do you believe it is the best option?

●     In an ethical dilemma, the “right” choice isn’t easy to make and often comes with some negative repercussions. Describe those repercussions (e.g. What frustrations, challenges, or obstacles do you foresee in choosing the “right” course of action? What actions can you take to mitigate them?)

●     What reasons/motivations do you have for choosing the “right” course of action despite such obstacles? 

Step 9: Submit your final draft on Canvas

Your ethical dilemma assignment must be submitted through Canvas no later than 11:59 pm one week

after your final seminar meeting. If you have any concerns about your ability to meet this deadline, please contact the seminar instructor.

 Instructions for the FINAL PRODUCT:

●        The final of this assignment is to be submitted through Canvas. Links can be found in the module for the AI Seminar.

●        Your final assignment must be uploaded by 11:59PM one week after your final seminar meeting.

●        For exact due date, see Schedule & Deadlines document posted on Canvas.

●        This assignment does not have to be completely narrated. Some steps are better expressed as bullet points (e.g., step 3 & 4), and you may keep them as such in your final draft.

●        There is no maximum page limit for your case analysis, but if you wrote it in essay form, we

suspect it will take you at least 2 pages, double-spaced, times new roman font (12) to accomplish the learning objectives. If you use bullet points, your assignment may be longer.

Sources used in crafting this assignment:

Johnson, C.E. (2007). Ethics in the workplace: Tools and tactics for organizational transformation. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Kidder, R. (1995). How good people make tough decisions: Resolving the dilemmas of ethical living. NY: Simon & Schuster. Rest, J.R. (1986). Moral development: Advances in research and theory. New York: Praeger.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dilemma case assignment (Studies or Business)
Institutional Affiliation
Dilemma case assignment (Studies or Business)
Description of the ethical dilemma
One of the critical ethical situations which I have experienced as a student is making a decision based on studies or business. I think of completing furthering education and assuming business engagement. On the other hand, I can also start a business and fully be committed to it. The reason behind such dilemma is due to the evident colleagues who have made it in the business world without necessarily furthering their education. This identified situation is an ethical dilemma since making any decision may harm the other. It is also an ethical dilemma since I cannot conduct all of them at the same time as noted by Kidder (1995), an ethical dilemma involving a situation in which all the courses of action cannot be undertaken at the same time.
Additionally, the conflicting aspects of the dilemma include the need for urgent financial and educational interests. Through education I will achieve educational goals, on the other hand, the business will also lead to achieving financial goals. Some of the values which may be impacted by joining a business include educational values. On the other hand, upon engaging in education, business values will also be impacted. Lastly, the factors contributing to such a situation are more time in education with no immediate job assurance. The second factor involves pressure from colleagues who have made it through their businesses and are now furthering their studies.
Stakeholders linked to the ethical dilemma
Family: Positively, they will be impacted by relief from constant fee payment. Additionally, they are likely to gain whenever the business prosper. Negatively, the family wi...
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