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Essay on the Book "The Secret Life of Bees"

Essay Instructions:

1 sentence
Attention-grabber options:
• An analogy or metaphor
• Famous quote
• Turn a cliché on its head
• A shocking statement
1 sentence or just part of a
sentence that leads into the summary
• Lit. analysis: Identify author/name of work
• Argument/Research: Identify the issue/topic
• Use to smoothly connect hook to summary
2-3 sentences (no more than 3 sentences)
Give necessary background info. that someone who
hasn’t read the story or doesn’t know much about
the issue/topic you’re going to discuss would need to
know in order for your paper to make sense.
Keep it brief.
1 sentence (last sentence of intro. paragraph)
A powerful sentence that directly answers the essay
question you were assigned. The thesis should include the
subject and your opinion. It needs to be bold and something
two reasonable people could debate.
Introduction Paragraph(thesis statement)
3 supporting body paragraphs about the three main subjects in the thesis statement
A conclusion rephrasing the thesis statement

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Essay on the Book "The Secret Life of Bees"
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Essay on the Book "The Secret Life of Bees"
"Life is a race, and you have to run" (Maharishi, 2018). The Secret Life of Bees, a novel written by Monk Kidd, portrayed courage, racism, and sexism. The irrationality of racism portrayed in the novel demonstrates the dignity and humanity of black and white characters and shows the struggles they faced to overcome racism. On the other hand, on sexism, women tend to be portrayed as happy wives and mothers, and therefore the solitary work available for them outdoor was either nursing or teaching (Kidd, 2008). In the novel, Kidd goes beyond narrating the stereotypes used to portray the personalities of white and black people. This is evident when he speaks about Lily, who is not a racist as those who attack Rosaleen and Zack. To overcome stereotypes related to racism and sexism, individuals require great courage to take specific actions.
Deborah happened to meet her husband, T- Ray, after her mother had died, and this was after a friend convinced her that she should relocate to Sylvan. She was told there were plenty of jobs at Sylvan and, men were back from the Second World War (Kidd, 2008). After that, she met T- Ray and got married, of which they later got a daughter, Lily. Deborah eventually decided to abandon T- Ray and moved to August after realizing that she was unhappy with her married life. She never wanted to be the stereotypically skilled and happy woman as per society's expectations. Like her mother, Lily was against society's stereotypes by living free-will life, and she became an outcast among her peers and the society at large (Kidd 2008). She had the ambition to be a housewife and a society icon; she wanted to be a writer.
Lily did have the courage to leave her farther and as well to overcome sexism. She opened up to August and followed her ambitions of b...
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