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English Should Changes be made to the Regulations for Foods that are served to the Public Schools

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 1: Research Topics with Explanation Due Week 2 and worth 40 points Read through the list of research topics (located in the Appendix) on which to write a research paper. Select three (3) topics that interest you most and identify two (2) credible sources for each topic. Note: This is one of several parts that will build toward a final draft of your persuasive writing research paper. Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you: 1. Explain the reason for selecting topic one, identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesis statement. 2. Explain the reason for selecting topic two, identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesis statement. 3. Explain the reason for selecting topic three, identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesis statement. 4. Identify and document six (6) credible sources (two (2) for each topic) that you would expect to use. Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines: - Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. - Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: - Recognize the elements and correct use of a thesis statement. - Associate the features of audience, purpose, and text with various genres. - Recognize correct APA documentation and reasons to document and avoid plagiarism. - Write clearly and concisely about selected topics using proper writing mechanics. - Use technology and information resources to research selected issues for this course My topics are: Should changes be made to the regulations for foods that are served in public schools? Should changes be made to regulations for mental health drugs for minors? Should regulations for home schools be changed?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Research Topics with Explanation Author’s Name Institution Research Topics with Explanation Should Changes be made to the Regulations for Foods that are served to the Public Schools? Reasons for Choosing the Topic This topic is more significant, in that it concerns the regulations touching on the health of kids in the public schools. Many people are quite concerned at the health of most kids, especially kids who are obese and overweight and account for 17 percent of children in the public schools. Therefore, the discussion of this topic is of immense significance as it helps in arriving at a solution to the problem of obesity amongst children in public schools. The changes, therefore, should be made to improve on the quantity and the quality of the public schools meals programs, and mostly, to allow the children eat foods that have a small amount of fats, sugars or salts. This topic brings about a topic designed to improve the health of many children in schools, and hence it is a crucial topic that needs a lengthy discussion (Poppendieck, 2010). Audience This topic mainly concerns the federal government, nutrition activists, parents and students. The government, mostly the department of agriculture, is responsible for making the changes by introducing new nutrition standards. Nutrition activists are the ones pushing for the changes to be made. The parents and students should have a concern with the changes. Thesis Statement. The big question unto this topic is, “Will the children in public schools eat healthier foods?” Should Changes be made to Regulations for Mental Health Drugs for Minors? Reasons for Choosing the Topic This topic is extremely beneficial as it concerns regulations touching on the safe use of medications amongst children and youths. The minor’s use of drugs have gone up in the last 15 years, and hence the issue is quite alarming thus calls to make changes on regulations. The regulations need to undergo changes as this will improve the drugs to be used by the minors. The government, therefore, ought to make changes and allow the investigators to study the use of drugs in the minors. This will ...
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