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English 2367 Assignment: Greenhouse Effects on Economic, Psychological, social and Political Sectors in the USA

Essay Instructions:

English 2367: Mr. Canter

Writing Project Three: Major Research Paper (30% of Overall Grade)

Proposal: Due 10/23 on Blackboard – 10%

Step One: Due 11/06 (Pages 1-3) – 20%

Step Two: Due 11/13 (Pages 4-5) – 20%

Step Three: Due 11/29 (Pages 6 on) – 20%

Final Draft: Due 12/04 (Submit hard copy to class and Turnitin) – 30%

Objective: This research paper will reflect the work done for the annotated bibliography, and a developed research plan extending beyond a bibliography into a thesis driven, argumentative research paper. (You will stick with the same topic, AND I want you to stick with at least 3 of the sources from the bibliography). You will want to determine the approach to the topic: it should be different than how you approached the bibliography, as instead of merely documenting information, you are arguing a thesis (which could encompass one or a few combined arguments pertaining to your topic). In addition, you may also be including some of the following approaches in combination with your thesis, extending to an approximate 7 page length.

-Example Argumentative Approach: Thesis (O.J. Simpson was guilty of murder)

-O.J. Simpson (arranged sources to establish the details of the O.J. Trial, and then followed with sources that explained and defended why O.J. was guilty)

-Summarize then use sources to support

-Informative Approach:

-When informing, think of what are the most important sources/issues to address.

-Organize your sources with the most important sources as the first and last to write on (larger sources)

-Gender Roles (psychology on where these constructs originated and how it's effecting people now)

-Cause/Effect Approach (Overall issue /s that your topic is facing across the board)

-Cosplay (There is the issue of sexual harassment)

-Establish your topic, summarize it, and then use a source to highlight the issue

-Following sources explain the effects

-Police Brutality (Public outrage is definitely an effect / mass protests)


-Twerking (What is it, why is it in the media, how is negatively affecting youth, and then how can we resolve some of these issues)

-Establish your topic, summarize it, and then use a source to highlight the problem

-Following sources explain the solution

-Mining Industry (a lack of regulation which results in difficult work environments / solutions to this issue)

You will remove any first person use: Project Three is in the 3rd person. Your writing style needs to become more formal and academic than the bibliography. You should not be copying and pasting the source info. from the bibliography to the research paper, as it will increase your Turnitin score. Will your approach be only argumentative, or will it include some other elements such as problem and solution, cause and effect, or strictly informative? You will need to think about this to determine how you utilize and arrange your sources. WP3 follows the bibliography of WP2, and will culminate in WP4, a portfolio presentation of your semester's work. The minimum length requirement is seven full pages (do not go over 9), and the paper is worth 30 % of your overall grade. There is a six source minimum. The paper should reflect concepts of identity we have overviewed throughout the semester, a clear understanding of MLA, a polished, formal writing style, and a thesis statement which overviews, as a whole, how your chosen paper topic is represented by your sources, and also, argues a specific position /s regarding your topic. You have two options for an outline. Note that these outlines are just a minimum paragraph length suggestion, and you are able to devote more paragraphs to your project to reach the minimum length.

A) Primary Source Outline (Your sources will be equally discussed)


-Introduce topic (culture/identity/person which is the focus of your paper)

-Establish how your topic has been a marginalized culture/identity/person in America and American Media

-Thesis/Controlling idea (This should be an overview of your sources' rhetoric. As a whole, what kind of representation do the sources give upon your topic?)

Paragraph 2:

-Summarize your topic. What is the significance of your topic? What is the background of their experience in our society? What are some of the ways they have been portrayed? In what ways may they be misunderstood? You do not need to cite information in this paragraph.

Paragraph 3: Source 1

-Here you will discuss how the source reports on the topic. Do they seem biased? Is a clear message or argument being presented? Cite from your source in correct MLA format and elaborate upon the significance of your cited passages. –Quote phrases that indicate the overall idea/perspective on the topic

-Introduce source (title/author/publication). (Author/Creator, Title, Where You Accessed the Source, and Approximate date of publication)

-Summarize source in a couple sentences.

-Provide a quote which illustrates the perspective of your source.

-Elaborate for a few sentences on the perspective of the source on the event/issue.

Paragraph 4: Source 2

-Repeat the procedure from Source 1 with Source 2

Paragraph 5: Source 3

-Repeat procedure.

Paragraph 6: Source 4

-Repeat procedure

Paragraph 7: Source 5

-Repeat Procedure

Paragraph 8 on: Source 6 and Beyond

-Repeat procedure

Second to last paragraph:

-Here you will compare and contrast the rhetoric of your sources. How do they relate or conflict in their coverage? You may cite if necessary, but the cited passages should illustrate an overall controlling idea about the coverage as you established in the intro. Make sure that you clearly develop your controlling idea in these paragraphs.


-Provide a closing discussion on your topic (culture/identity/person)

-Re-phrase the Thesis/Controlling Idea

-Close with a discussion of what has been learned from your research, and the significance of your topic beyond your essay and research.

B) Primary/Secondary Source Outline (Two sources will be primary, and four will be secondary)


-Introduce topic (culture/identity/person which is the focus of your paper)

-Establish how your topic has been a marginalized culture/identity/person in America and American Media

-Introduce your two primary sources and establish their representation of your topic

-Thesis/Controlling idea (This should be an overview of your primary sources' rhetoric. As a whole, what kind of representation do the sources give upon your topic?)

Paragraph 2:

-Summarize your topic. What is the significance of your topic? What is the background of their experience in our society? What are some of the ways they have been portrayed? In what ways may they be misunderstood? You do not need to cite information in this paragraph.

Paragraph 3: Primary Source 1

-Here you will discuss how the source reports on the topic. Do they seem biased? Is a clear message or argument being presented? Cite from your source in correct MLA format and elaborate upon the significance of your cited passages.

-Introduce source (title/author/publication).

-Summarize source in a couple sentences.

-Provide a quote which illustrates the perspective of your source.

-Elaborate for a few sentences on the perspective of the source on the event/issue.

Paragraph 4: Secondary Sources 1-2

-Here you will engage two secondary sources in discussion with your primary source #1. You will compare/contrast the perspectives of your secondary sources to the primary source. Do they show a similar perspective, do they challenge the perspective of the primary source, etc.?

-Introduce secondary sources.

-Summarize what they are about in a couple sentences.

-Quote from one of the secondary sources.

-Elaborate for a few sentences how these sources compare/contrast with primary source #1.

Paragraph 5: Primary Source 2

-Here you will discuss how the source reports on the topic. Do they seem biased? Is a clear message or argument being presented? Cite from your source in correct MLA format and elaborate upon the significance of your cited passages.

-Introduce source (title/author/publication).

-Summarize source in a couple sentences.

-Provide a quote which illustrates the perspective of your source.

-Elaborate for a few sentences on the perspective of the source on the event/issue.

Paragraph 6: Secondary Sources 3-4

-Here you will engage two secondary sources in discussion with your primary source #2. You will compare/contrast the perspectives of your secondary sources to the primary source. Do they show a similar perspective, do they challenge the perspective of the primary source, etc.?

-Introduce secondary sources.

-Summarize what they are about in a couple sentences.

-Quote from one of the secondary sources.

-Elaborate for a few sentences how these sources compare/contrast with primary source #2.

Second to last paragraph:

-Here you will compare and contrast the rhetoric of your primary sources. How do they relate or conflict in their coverage? You may cite if necessary, but the cited passages should illustrate an overall controlling idea about the coverage as you established in the intro. Make sure that you clearly develop your controlling idea in these paragraphs.


-Provide a closing discussion on your topic (culture/identity/person)

-Re-introduce primary sources

-Re-phrase the Thesis/Controlling Idea

-Close with a discussion of what has been learned from your research, and the significance of your topic beyond your essay and research.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Greenhouse Effects on Economic, Psychological, social and Political Sectors in the USA
The greenhouse effect is one of the major causes of long-term increase in average temperatures of the earth. The term greenhouse is adopted from farming facilities known as greenhouses. Greenhouses increase temperature environment through the retention of heat trapped in gases with the intended purpose of maintaining constant temperature levels that are conducive to either optimal or accelerated plant growth. The greenhouse effect, on the other hand, involves absorption of heat from the sun and its retention, hence resulting in the accumulation of temperature levels of the earth. The impact of climate change and global warming are well documented through numerous empirical studies and existing literature works. Notably, there are few similar studies that trickle down to addressing and reporting on the impacts of the greenhouse effect. Citing from the existing limited knowledge base, the greenhouse effect results in adverse conditions that affect the social, economic, psychological, social and political sectors. Greenhouse effects can be felt on a global or regional scale. The literature review conducted in this study seeks to gain insight on how the greenhouse effect impacts the latter listed sectors within the United States region.
Climate change is the term used to describe the overall change in climate patterns for a particular region or on a global scale. Use of the term climate change represent numerous climatic activities which include global warming. Global warming is a term coined to define the process through which the average temperatures of the earth and the surrounding water masses continue to increase (Heller and Keoleian 4). The process of warming and cooling is a natural cycle. However, scientific works have observed that the average temperature of the earth is continually growing, a pattern that has been drawn for more than 150 years. Hence, global warming is currently a major climatic concern that faces humankind and other species on several frontiers. Breaking down global warming, one realizes that there are several causes associated with it. By establishing the cause-effect relationship of accumulating levels of greenhouse gases, this article will contribute to resolving the climatic threat facing the human species.
Literature Review
Cardwell and Elliott in the Journal of BMC Public Health conduct a comprehensive study aimed at creating a connection between climate change and health. The authors commence by indicating that there is need to start viewing climate change as health issues as opposed to the universal outlook of an environmental problem. Ideally, the article reports on the known outcomes of climate change on the health welfare of individuals, an aspect that directly relates to the social point of the United States society. The report is based on a survey conducted in a typical social setting. Topics addressed in the study include climate change, community, and individual health, facilitators and barriers to behavioral transition. Results from the survey indicated that a significant number of community members associated individual and community health status with changes in the climate. As much as respondents understood the need to take an active role in protecting the environment, there was a minimal correlation to the achievement of health co-benefits as a result. Participants were willing to adopt more environmentally friendly ways, and possible enticements to promote behavior change such as decreasing cost (Cardwell and Elliot, p. 2). In summary, the study focuses on the social aspects of climate change in particular health. About the topic of this study, it is clear that a broader perspective is assumed, which fails to narrow down to the specific impact on the health. However, the authors successfully bring into light the importance of conducting studies on public perspective towards climate change. Such efforts directly impact policy making on climate change.
McCright, Dunlap, and Marquar-Pyatt in the article, Political Ideology, and Views on Climate Change in the European Union, published in 2013 in the Journal of Environmental Politics explain the interaction between politics and the broader issue of climate change. Based on political observations and existing literature works, the authors report on how the United States and other countries in the European Union are experiencing a severe partisan divide on issues about climate change. It is indicated in the article that Democrats and Liberals in the United Started face sharp indifference on some of the policies that the country should coin to deal with the climate change problem. On the hand, Republicans and Conservatives seem less bothered with discussions surrounding climate change (Mcright, Dunlap and Marquar-Pyatt 350). The report is heavily based on Eurobarometer data that indicate how the United States holds right-left ideologies on the issues of climate change, which includes global warming and the greenhouse effect. Notably, the sharp disparity impacts perspectives of international communities like the European Union and the United Nations Environmental Program on climate change. The role of politics in every aspect of life cannot be underestimated, and that includes greenhouse effects and the broader concerns of climate change. The political environment of the United States dramatically defines the kind of significance that issues of global concern are accorded. Hence, efforts to slow down climate change like a pro-environment regulatory system is tied to the apparent political forces. By appreciating the relationship between politics and the environment, the authors outline how environmental views can be of great relevance in the political arena, especially in the United States.
Moore and Diaz in the article Temperature Impacts on Economic Growth Warrant Stringent Economic Policy, published in the journal of Nature Climate Change in the year 2014 describes the interaction between climate change and the economic atmosphere. The authors commence by indicating how existing integrated assessment models have failed to exclusively illustrate the need for climate policy by creating a relationship between climate change (temperature rise) and the social wellbeing. Hence, in their study, the author’s empirical model aimed at investigating the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) and constant rise in global temperatures. The findings of the report are based on two pathways. The first pathways entail effects of temperature rise on economic factor productivity growth. Secondly, ...
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