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Ending Gun Violence in US

Essay Instructions:

Last week, you outlined your argumentative essay. This week, you must use your instructor’s feedback and information from the course materials to turn your outline into an essay draft. Weekly instructor guidance and Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in the course text, College Writing Handbook, will walk you through the process.

The Week 3 assignment is the first draft of your academic argument. In this assignment, you will show that you are making progress in all course learning outcomes:

Interpret information through close and critical reading.

Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.

Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.

Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.

Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.

You will submit a 4- to 5-page (1,000 to 1,250 words) rough-draft essay that is formatted in proper APA style. This rough draft assignment must integrate prior feedback and show improvement from your prior coursework. The rough draft will be evaluated differently than a final draft essay, so pay close attention to the grading rubrics and requirements.

Your argument should be sound, valid, and based upon evidence from at least 5 credible sources. At least 3 of your sources must be scholarly. You may integrate additional information, since your final draft requires additional research. Information and evidence must be integrated appropriately, cited in APA-style, and used with integrity. Remember to draft your essay for an academic audience.

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Ending Gun Violence
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Ending Gun Violence
Gun violence has become a hot button topic amongst policymakers, the public, law enforcement, and gun retailers. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is a drastic rise in gun violence in the last decade, and the numbers keep rising. While public law enforcers have suggested diverse strategies, a detailed examination and evaluation of the factors causing gun violence, mass education of the risks of owning a gun, and mandatory training should serve as the foundational steps in eradicating gun violence.
Over the last decade scholars, policymakers have suggested a change of attitude, perception towards gun use as a lasting solution to the gun menace. According to the Congressional Research Service, approximately three-quarters of the United States (U.S.) population, a gun but do not know how to use them (PERF, 2019). Today in the U.S., it is not an unusual scene to witness a teenager armed with a gun. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to educate the population about gun use and gun use laws. Offering training seminars ensure proper handling of firearms and portray guns as a form of protection, not entertainment or violence (Prevention Institute, 2020). Remarkably, this inclusive approach will elicit public participation in the fight against gun violence by unifying people's voices and opinions from all races, class, and sexuality in the fight against gun violence.
Gun violence is an unrelenting problem that requires the collective effort of all members of the community. Although mass shootings are the most highly publicized, gun homicides, domestic gun violence, and misuse of guns by law enforcement common, especially in minority communities (Intervention Strategies, 2020). In this regard, community members should advocate for stricter rules, policies, and regulations on gun ownership and use. Increased community participation will harness people's voices and opinions from all races, class, and sexuality to fight against gun violence to facilitate a gun safety culture (Sam, 2014).
Gun violence strings a series of gun-related deaths and injuries. Studies show that victims of gun violence are likely to perpetrate gun homicide in the future if they do not get psychological help (Intervention Strategies, 2020). Therefore, community members must become engaged in providing training and seminars to cater to the increasingly affected. Immediate and urgent intervention is needed to interrupt the cycle of gun violence successfully. This strategy is based on the premise that gun violence affects an individual's mental and physical well-being.
The federal government should consider banning and buying back any semiautomatic weapons possessed by private citizens (Abbasi, 2020). The second amendment does not provide clear stipulations on the ownership of semiautomatic weapons. This kind of assault weapons is made specifically for use by the military and the police. However, one will often find these kinds of weapons, even in the homes of private citizens. Semiautomatic guns are carnage weapons. They have large magazines, which can be easily replaced (Abbasi, 2020). This is why they are the weapon of choice for mass murderers. The only way to solve the increasing problem of mass shootings is by banning the sale of semiautomatic weapons. The only exception that should be provided is for hunting clubs and shooting ranges.
Another promising approach is engaging gun retailers and holding them accountable for their actions. According to the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) report, 50% of the gun retailers do not offer mandatory aftersales services to their clients (PERF, 2019). Today, most gun retailers do not inquire about the safety and storage of a gun before selling. The majority of this assumes tha...
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