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Project Statement, Persona Hypothesis, and User Personas Of K9You

Essay Instructions:

This is group work, and you only need to do the parts that I highlighted in the attached document

Which are :

1. Project statement

Restate the purpose of your website. (we will create a website for K9You (homophonically “canine”), which is a dog training club located in Los Angeles that provides services including dog training, adopting, and boarding.)

(Please see attached "Web proposal" for details)

2. Persona hypothesis

Based on your previous design research, identify a list of important and relevant user variables (e.g., user roles, behavioral variables, demographic variables, domain/technical expertise).

(Please see attached PPT "Lecture#3 Design research" for these terms)

4. User personas

Identify the most important user variables based on your research.

(Please see attached PPT "Lecture#3 Design research" for users variables)

We want to do a website like this:https://www(dot)k9you(dot)net/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Statement, Persona Hypothesis, and User Personas
[date] 1. Project Statement
K9You aims to deliver convenient references for K9 parents and dog owners. Our website will give comprehensible detailed videos and information about training your dog and the proper care that dogs need. We will also provide a list of services available on the website for more accessible references for needed service. To address the customers' concerns, we will have options of actions that customers prefer to do for their availed service. To gain trust from the customers, we will also be posting our credible partners, licenses, awards, recognitions, and other proof of competency. In addition to online services, we will be reachable on our website for personal training and services.
2. Persona Hypothesis
Dog owners from the middle to upper class may be able to afford the personal training and classes for their dogs.
Below middle-class dog owners may access the videos and dog care posts on our website if they could not afford the fee.
Users want their dogs to have trained behavior to be more convenient to raise them in a particular environment.
Professionals who need personal trainers for their dogs because it is more convenient for them;
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