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Electoral College, Political Parties, and Biases Can Give Us Unexpected Results

Essay Instructions:

- Read this article (https://www(dot)theatlantic(dot)com/politics/archive/2016/11/the-electoral-college-was-meant-to-stop-men-like-trump-from-being-president/508310/)

Us it as a source to write about, in ~300 words (between 275 and 350), the following prompt;

American political landscapes are heavily-influenced these days by the upset of the 2016 Presidential election. Use this article to illustrate how the electoral college, political parties, and the biases and flaws of the original designs of the Constitution all can sometimes give us unexpected results.

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Electoral College, Political Parties, and Biases Can Give Us Unexpected Results
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Electoral College, Political Parties, and Biases Can Give Us Unexpected Results
The U.S has been a democratic country where citizens have been allowed to elect leaders of their choice under the application of majority rule. However, the Bill of Rights that was changed some years back has totally altered everything, especially, the electoral process in the country. The amendment to include Electoral College and political parties were thought to improve the electoral process in the U.S. Contrary, this has not been the case since; most leaders have found loopholes that have been used to violate the democratic rights of the American citizens. There have been various flaws and biases caused by the Electoral College and political parties, which is against the expectation of these changes when the constitution was being amended.
Back in the days, each citizen had the privilege of directly electing their leaders to represent them in every government house including the president. However, this changed with the Electoral College, which requires citizens only to elect a handful of representatives, who in turn elect the executive committee of the country. Initially, the idea seemed right, but has proven to be overridden with corruption following the 2016 general elections, where Trump was announced the president of the country. Most citizens seemed to be against the election and it was like their choice in the election did not count. Apparently, this h...
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