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Early Childhood Caries in Brazil and Canada. Health Essay

Essay Instructions:
Please follow the assignment instructions precisely. They do not want any copy past from these websites, they want the informations from these website, these informations should be paraphrased. Assignment Instructions For this assignment, visit the Malmo University's Oral Health Country/Area Profile Project website http://www(dot)mah(dot)se/capp/ Choose two countries in the Americas and find information on caries data for 12-year-olds in those countries. Once you have done this, find as much information as you can about your chosen countries on: a) oral health surveillance system - for example: do they collect data in an ongoing basis or do they have isolated efforts? How old are their last oral health survey/published data b) oral health promotion policies - for example: do they have a national fluoridation program? Do they use salt or water for this program. A good place to start your search is: http://www(dot)google(dot)com/cse?cx=015581326139023992588%3Amgs-3ts-i7m&q=country+profile&sa=search...&cof=FORID%3A0&scope=on#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=country%20profile&gsc.page=1 You may find the following documents useful: Oral Health Strategies in the Americas PAHO's oral health strategies for the improvement of the organization and provision of dental services in Latin American countries and the Caribbean are presented.(1/Jan/2001) http://www(dot)paho(dot)org/english/gov/cd/CD47-14-e.pdf Overview of Salt Fluoridation in the Region of the Americas Part I: Strategies, cost-benefit analysis, and legal mechanisms utilized in the National Programs of Salt Fluoridation Includes assessments of national oral health status and salt industry's capacity to fluoridate salt, cost-benefit analysis of the proposed programs and legal mechanisms to ensure program compliance.(19/Dec/2000) http://www(dot)paho(dot)org/eNGLISH/HSP/HSO/oral1salt_eng.pdf You may also choose to visit your individual countries official oral health surveillance sites. Compare and contrast your findings for your two chosen countries. Please follow the assignment instructions precisely. They do not want any copy past from these websites, they want the informations from these website, these informations should be paraphrased.
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Early Childhood Caries in Brazil and Canada
Early Childhood Caries in Brazil and Canada
Oral health is often ignored, but it plays an integral part in maintaining a good health status. Good oral health increases a person`s ability to speak, smell, touch, taste, swallow, and chew. It also enhances the ability to convey feelings and emotions through facial expression. However, various oral diseases that range from cavities to oral cancer, cause disability and pain for many Americans each year. Surveillance systems enable collection of accurate and timely data, in order to track the status of a population`s oral health. A comprehensive surveillance system paves way for issuance of early warnings of changing conditions. This enables formulation of strategies necessary to prevent increased spread of diseases and associated costs. This paper explores oral caries among 12 year olds in Brazil and Canada.
The health system of Brazil comprises of a set of health services provided by both direct and indirect administrations. Its core objective is to identify and publicize health determinants, and condition factors for formulation of viable policies aimed at reducing risk of disease, and various health problems. Currently, data collection on oral health in Brazil is done through an ongoing basis, although most of the health services are provided to restricted population groups such as students. The rest of the population depends purely on curative and mutilating services. As a result, there has been low service coverage (Brazilian Oral Research - Oral health policies in Brazil, n.d.). On the other hand, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) carries out data collection in Canada pertaining different health issues. The main objective of CCHS is to provide timely/reliable cross-sectional estimates of health determinants, and health status across Canada. Data collection is done in an ongoing basis in order to provide an easy way of dealing with emerging health care issues (Canadian Community Health Survey, n.d.).
The current oral health policies in Brazil involves reorganization of healthcare system by initiating centers of Dental Specialists, deploying Oral Health Teams within the Family Health strategy, building of Regional Laboratories of dental Prosthesis, and a thorough fluoridation of public water supply. On the other hand, the currently reports in Canada indicate that ...
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