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The Perspectives of Dr. Karen Head and Thomas Friedman on the Effectiveness of Online Writing Courses

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment #1 will be a comparison-contrast essay on the perspectives of Dr. Karen Head and Thomas Friedman on the effectiveness of online writing courses.

The following links feature the following:

• a series of articles written by Dr. Head on her experience in teaching a composition course through a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform

• a video interview with Friedman on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

• an article by Friedman on MOOCs. 

Friedman discusses MOOCs in general, while Head describes her experience in teaching a writing class using a MOOC platform.

• Karen Head 

o the following link provides a series of short articles written by Dr. Head on her experience in teaching a freshman composition class through a MOOC:


o the following link is to an article written by Head called “Massive Open Online Adventure” 


• Thomas Friedman

o “A Conversation with Thomas Friedman, Part 2: Missing the Point on MOOCs, Cost vs. Value in Higher Ed and the '401(k) World'” http://vimeo(dot)com/66575133

o “Revolution Hits the Universities,” http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2013/01/27/opinion/sunday/friedman-revolution-hits-the-universities.html?_r=1&


Your essay should have the following:

• an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement. 

• at least three body paragraphs that illustrate at least three major points and defend these points by referring to the Head article, the Friedman interview, and the Friedman article.

You will want to paraphrase or quote from the texts as appropriate. Don’t worry about citation style for this paper. If you quote from or paraphrase either author, simply put that author’s name in parentheses after the sentence that contains the quotation or paraphrase.

Your body paragraphs should follow either the block pattern of organization or the alternating pattern of organization.

As you prepare for this assignment, you might review the following video tutorial:


• a compelling concluding paragraph. 

Please emphasize the differences between the two authors in this essay. You may want to point out the similarity or similarities. However, the main focus of your essay will be on their differences.

Length: 1000-1200 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Perspectives of Dr. Karen Head and Thomas Friedman on the Effectiveness of Online Writing Courses
The Perspectives of Dr. Karen Head and Thomas Friedman on the Effectiveness of Online Writing Courses
Education is one of the sectors that have witnessed major changes in the recent times. Among the changes in education, is the adoption of the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which have greatly impacted the way of learning not only in the US, but also in many countries in the world. Despite the perceived benefits of the system of education, it is faced with controversies with some education stakeholders portraying it as a costly education system with little value to the society. This is contrary to other views suggesting that MOOCs is a cheaper model of teaching, which has benefited many students especially in higher education, as more students can be reached in different places, by a single instructor (Friedman). Although different people have contradicting views pertaining to the approach of education, majority of them agree that the model is of little value in the sense that it denies student-tutor interaction, which is important in the process of learning. Such divergent views and opinions about MOOCs resonate from Freidman and Head, although they both believe the concept is great and has the potential to revolutionize the higher education system for both the current and future students’ needs (Friedman). However, Head differs with Friedman on the effectiveness of MOOCs, distrusting its viability to attain it alleged potential of reaching out for more students, simplifying the studying process and handing over the right skills and knowledge as compared to the traditional system of education. Friedman believes that if adequately adopted and developed, MOOCs can be one of the most affordable and convenient education system for many students all over the world, capable of positively transforming people’s lives especially form ignorance and poverty.
Head and Friedman both believe that MOCCs is still underdeveloped all over the world. For the model to properly develop, it would require a long time and the collaboration of learning institutions, government and other relevant stakeholders. Such partners should work diligently, bearing in mind the existence of some barriers, both political and logistical that may delay the process, and working hard to combat such barriers if the ultimate dream is to be realized. For instance, Head believes there are some problems to do with the issue of evaluation criteria for those pursuing MOOCs, besides the problems of safety and privacy, which have lacked substantial attention. She complains that the system offer inflexible rubrics where evaluators are unable to include their explanations when providing scores to students’ essays. In response to these claims, Friedman shares professional’s perspective on the issue, affirming that various institutions that have adopted MOOCs are pursuing ways through which to perfect student evaluation and the awarding of credentials. When this is eventually achieved, the model of education would ease the access to higher education, giving the opportunity to many students to advance their education, changing the world for the better.
Branded as a revolutionary education model, MOOCs is believed to have the capability of reaching more people seeking education. As compared to the current education system where students have to attend education institutions to access education, MOOCs only requires one to have an access to internet connection to access education from any part of the world. However, Head refutes such sentiment, basing her argument on her experience wit...
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