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Document Design and Goals

Essay Instructions:

After reading Chapter 11: "Designing Print and Online Documents" (Markel and Selber) and watching the “Document Design” PowerPoint lecture, turn your attention to the sample technical document linked herePreview the document:

Spend some time studying the design of the document and how those choices suggest a specific audience(s) and purpose(s). In other words, how does the design of the document enable the function of the document?

When you have finished studying the document, write a response that addresses the following questions. Support your claims with specific evidence from the document:

Markel notes that technical communication serves many purposes, which fall into two broader categories: to “help others learn about a subject, carry out a task, or make a decision” and “to reinforce or change attitudes and motivate readers to take action” (3-4). What is (are) the primary purpose(s) of this document? How and why?

What is the relationship between the intended purpose(s) of the document and the document’s primary audience(s)? How and why? Use Markel’s discussion of audience-driven factors (8) to guide your discussion.

Finally, how effective is this document in terms of clarity, accessibility, and professional appearance? What recommendations might you make in terms of increasing effectiveness? How and why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Document Design
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January 28, 2021
Understanding the relationship between document design and goals is essential for anyone. It allows him to create an effective design that would help him reach his goals concerning his project's audience and purpose. Accordingly, this article would focus on the analysis of Ikea's Billy Bookcase instructional document. This includes an insight into the arrangement, hierarchy, theme, and use of additional elements, among others. Nonetheless, the author believes that Ikea's Billy Bookcase document has the primary purpose of instructing its readers on how to assemble it for adult readers from all places and backgrounds.
Document Analysis
As stated earlier, both the document's design and arrangement show that it is intended to instruct its readers on how to assemble it for adult readers from all places and backgrounds. This is in line with one of Markel's ideas of communication as something that "helps others learn about a subject, carry out a task, or make a decision."
Instructional Purpose
On the one hand, an overview of all elements' combination would suggest that this is an instructional document. Upon opening the document, the reader could see a direct view without any coloring or additional components. The only words added were the name 'Billy' and nothing else highly suggesting the absence of any promotional intent on the part of the creator.
Aside from the straightforward design and the lack of words, the presence of 'bold numbers' at the upper left portion of each page sug...
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