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Is the divide between Democrats and Republicans something America should worry about?

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Is the Divide between Democrats and Republicans Something America Should Worry about?
The political divides between the Democrats and the Republicans have become wider than they have been in the past twenty years. It is keynoting that Democrats and Republicans are usually divided along the ideological lines and these trends often manifest themselves in numerous ways both in politics and in everyday life. Studies that have been conducted around this issue indicates that the divisions are among the individuals who are actively engaged in the political processes. This paper will evaluate and explain whether the Americans should worry about the division existing between the Democrats and the Republicans.
Over the past two decades, the overall number of Americans who manifest and demonstrate conservative or liberal opinions has increased to about twenty-one percent. Additionally, Americans ideological thinking is also nearly connected with partisanship than ever before and therefore, ideological overlap between the two parties has decreased (Pew Research Center, 2014). It is estimated that today about ninety-two percent of the Republicans are to the right of the median Democrat and almost ninety-four percent of the Democrats are to the left of the median Republican. Furthermore, over the same period, partisan animosity has significantly increased. There are a growing disrespect and contempt that both the Democrats and the Republicans have for the opposing party. Dislike of the opposite party has become broader and deeper in the recent past.
The Americans should get concerned about the increasing divide between Democrats and the Republicans. This is because over, the past few years, politics have turned personal. This in return has increased hostility between individuals from the two parties. The Democrats and Republicans believe that their friends also share similar political views and they, therefore, prefer living in the areas where most of the residents share their political views (Foran, 2017). Additionally, individuals are also likely to voice disappointments where a Democrat marries a Republican or when a Republican gets married to a Democrat.
The divide between the Democrats and the Republicans has also altered the primary purpose of these parties, which is to connect the American people with a distant government. The parties have turned to be an intimidating and persuasive presence thus pushing and pressurizing unsure voters to back a candidate with which they may not fully agree with (Thomas, 2017). These party divisions have led the Americans to believe that they are far more different in their politics than they truly are. Besides, the parties have become a divisive force in America, continuously and relentlessly building a wall between the Democrats and the Republicans.
The divide between the Democrats and the Republicans has also facilitated divisions among the Amer...
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