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Discussion: Stories of Two Men

Essay Instructions:

Watch a portion of this movie "This Emotional Life: Rethinking Happiness"

Produced by NOVA, In This Emotional Life (Arlington, VA: Public Broadcasting Service, 2009), 1 hour 55 minutes. !skip forward to 24:00 and watch until 40:00 ( = 16 minutes).!

write a response to the following question:

"In the video you heard the stories of two men, each of whom suffered a terrible misfortune. Did they respond to this situation in a way that is consistent with the Book of Job's message -- or was their reaction different, somehow, compared to Job's response to his suffering?"

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The stories of the two men, Francesco Clark and Bob Shumaker illustrate suffering in ways that can cause someone to question life and existence. When experiencing suffering, human beings respond differently. The two men, when compared to Job, responded differently to their suffering in two ways. First, there is no indication that they questioned or sought an explanation for their suffering. At no point in their story do we see them asking questions about why they had to experience what they were experiencing. They made peace to get through with their situation and only thought of how things would get better for them. Job, however, asked questions about his suffering and in the end, God came to him, although He never answered Job’s questions. While Job was demanding answers from God for his sufferin...
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