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Realizations after the writing process

Essay Instructions:


Respond to all of the following questions in a Word document, and submit your journal entry through this assignment folder. Please use complete sentences, and proofread your work. All the information needed for this assignment can be found in the links in the A.6 module and the links below.

Summarize the writing process from A.6 in your own words. Make sure to include all the major steps. (This should be one paragraph.)

*Describe your current or past writing process. How is it different from the process described in our class? What steps do you spend the most time on? What steps are you leaving out? Do you have steps in your process that are not included in the lesson?

*This class asks you to complete all parts of the writing process in order to be successful. What actions are you going to take this semester to make sure you complete every step of the process for each paper? This may involve planning, scheduling your time, finding a good study spot, getting help, or any other strategy that you may need. Be specific!

*In the "Using the Writing Process" section of the Becoming a Successful College Writer chapter, the textbook lists some common misconceptions about the writing process. Based on what you have read here and in the assignments earlier in the module, what is one misconception you had about the writing process? What are you going to do differently now that you know more about it?

*In the "Managing Your Time" section of the Becoming a Successful College Writer chapter, the writer explains why it is important to schedule time for assignments. What time each week are you setting aside to work on assignments for this course? (You should plan to spend at least eight hours per week working on this class.)

*The "Setting Goals" section of the Becoming a Successful College Writer chapter explains why goals are important in college courses. What are three goals you have for ENG 100?

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Writing Process
Student’s Name
The Writing Process
The writing process involves several steps that are critical to ensure that the resulting work meets the expectations. The first step of the writing process is finding the topic and researching more about the subject. I also read the instructions at this stage to know the right format to use and the type of paper I will be writing. The next step is creating an outline that acts as a guide to what I will be writing. It includes a few statements for the thesis statement, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The next step is writing the actual paper based on the outline. Once that is done, I proofread the document to ensure it has no errors.
My current writing process is similar to the process described in class. I take the same steps that have been mentioned in class. However, it has some differences since sometimes, I can skip the outline phase, and I will create a draft with notes of what I will be writing. I do not use an outline in some instances, especially if it is a short paper with a simple and general topic. I spend the most time on the writing part since I beef up with outline while researching more c...
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