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Violence and Discrimination Against LGBT Community

Essay Instructions:

please following instructions in the file attached. please i will need an outline answering the question in the file on Friday 10/28/16 at 8am. the questions in the file is a guide to what to be included in the paper. please message me with any questions.Thank you for you help.
Revision is needed according to the comments and additional files 20161120_145919.jpg, 20161120_145905.jpg 20161120_145852.jpg: 00045502_revised_4.docx
"please follow this outline for the revision. he wants this outline followed.
1. Intro story with problem only…. 2. WHAT is the problem? 3. WHY is it a problem? 4. What CAUSES the problem to occur? 5. What negative EFFECTS result because of the problem? 6. WHAT is/or the solutions to the problem? 7. WHY is/are this/there a solution? 8. What will CAUSE the solutions to occur? 9. What positive EFFECTS will result from the solution? 10.What is the VALUE of solving this problem? 11. Conclusion story with solution in place. #2 and #5: may seems similar.. #2 is what the problem is and #5 is the evidence/ specifics of the problem… the result of the problem! #3 and #4: #3 is general and #4 is specific #2 and #3: should be explanation #4 and #5: should be examples 
#6 and #7 should be explanation #8 and #9 should be examples/evidence Solution/s? Any problem you have there may be multiple solutions that you can bring forward that you bring to the problem. Likewise about solution, some problems are not completely solvable. There are very few problems that are offered a complete solution. *equal amounts of problem and solution discussion. *Statement of value: showing how we can prevent it from the start. Education on the problem. What is solution? Scope of problem."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Violence and Discrimination Against LGBT Community
[Student’s name]
Literature and Language
[Institutional affiliation]
Problem and Solution Paper
Human beings have always faced a lot of dilemmas. Humans are conditioned to resist change, while at the same time; have to accept that the only constant thing , the change itself. This includes change in perceptions. For over some time now, the debate over same-sex marriages has continued boiling, causing much controversy and deep social divisions. There exist, however, some serious social challenges that the LGBT community faces. Kristina Mastropasqua’s article titled Global discrimination against LGBT persons provides a clear picture of this. She bases her analysis on the United Nations Human Rights Council Report (2015), titled Discrimination and Violence against Individuals Based on their Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
The report highlights the problem; the realities of the rise in violence and discrimination of this group. The problem paints a grim picture, since it points to an increasingly intolerant society, one that cannot accept such new developments as the growth or even legalization of the LGBT community and practices respectively.
The report further headlines by the appointment of Randy Berry by John Kerry as the first Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBT persons. Barry has a mission to exert efforts in order to have a world that does not practice violence against the LGBT community. Uganda constitutes one of the countries that Barry visited where homosexuality is taken as a crime. Barry wants to target a big number of states with balanced views to accelerate the progress that other regions experience (Mastropasqua, 2015).
Negative Effects of Violence and Discrimination against LGBT
Due to the occurrence of this problem, the victims experience a brutal treatment and became characterized by varying levels of cruelty that weigh more than hate crimes. The violence that often occurs against the LGBT community includes people doing a specific level of cruelty that exceeds other hate crimes. The report says that the level of homicidal violence has increased, which involves specific risks that the LGBT community face because they easily become victims.
Solutions and the Need for Them
The solution to the problem requires the relevant stakeholders to do a report about the human rights of LGBT in the world, which gives details on the harshness and discrimination against them. Another contributor to the solution, which first happened in 2011, started when 12 more countries that introduced a civil union or marriage of same-sex couples. Apart from that, 10 more countries that granted rights for transgender people to get proper legal documents followed suit (Thapa, 2015).
Governments need to take it within their stride, to ensure that these cases aren’t committed in their watch. This can be done through the rule of law. For example, they can relax the earlier stringent measures on homosexuality, such as its criminalization. In nations, such as Uganda, same-sex marriages and even relationships are criminalized and strongly condemned even by the ...
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