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Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Essay Instructions:
Hi, Here is the instruction. 1. Using your organization as an example, please respond to the following question. Your response should be: 1) two substantive paragraphs in length; 2) reflective your understanding of the assigned reading; 3) formatted in APA 6th Edition style; 4) contain at least one additional citation (beyond the textbook). -Root Cause Analysis: Facilitator or Barrier? If an unwanted situation tends to occur repeatedly, then it might be beneficial to figure out what is really causing this situation to occur and remove it so the situation does not occur again. This process, root cause analysis, involves finding the real cause of the problem and dealing with it rather than simply continuing to deal with the symptoms. It has become commonplace in health care. -But is root cause analysis really an appropriate phrase and approach when our world is endlessly interconnected and everything seems to influence so many other things? Seeking the root cause may be a reinforcement of a culture focused on finding blame rather than one supporting error as opportunity. Your task: Do you agree? Disagree? Thanks
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Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Professor Name:
(June 15, 2012)

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method applied in problem solving aiming at digging deep into the events and problem’s root causes. Root Cause Analysis in DeltaCare® USA involves structured approach that enables identification of issues and factors relating to the magnitude, nature, timing and location of the harmful consequences (Bellinger, 2004). Past events in medical experiences are applied to validate the Root Cause Analysis processes. The best remedy is devised basing on the actions, behaviors, conditions and inactions, that are to be changed to avert reoccurrence of harmful outcomes, this is critical in learning processes for the future generations geared towards better achievements and consequences (Bellinger, 2004).
I agree that Root Cause Analysis is vital in problem solving in DeltaCare® USA. From my past experience in DeltaCare® USA, the method has led to significant improvements, since through it, the management has continued to solve the rising medical related problems effectively and efficiently. However, technological advancement is presenting diverse challenges, considering that an outcome maybe as a result of diverse influe...
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