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Research different conceptualizations of globalization

Essay Instructions:

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  • The first three paragraph is not necessary.
  • The fourth paragraph is introduction and elaborate on perception because is not realty?
  • Reword the part in the fourth paragraph starting with “one reason for adopting…...etc.”
  • The fifth paragraph needs to address all part of the world
  • The sixth paragraph needs actual country example (other than US) to express the idea of microeconomic changes and also How many foreign company are enjoying an economic advantage:- use this to return to your point about perception vs. realty.

And please attach the articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research different conceptualizations of globalization. Then define globalization and substantiate your definition with at least three reasons and relevant examples.
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Globalization is the idea that the world has a transformed into an interconnected social space. The social space is interconnected through the establishment of economic, cultural and technological forces. These forces result in developments that impact people in all parts of the world. Increased uptake of American and western culture is an important aspect of globalization that has permeated all parts of the world (Conversi, 2010). The US culture in particular has dominated and influenced social behavior in parts of the world including Asia and Africa (Qadir & Bhat, 2014). It is increasingly evident that people in different parts of the world learn about it from television and music from the west. For example, many Africans shun their traditional mode of dressing and ape the American lifestyle. These aspects demonstrate that increased adoption of American culture is a good indication of the increased social interconnectedness.
Technology is a powerful resource in creating an interconnected social space (Terdiman, 2001). Technology allows people from different places in the world to receive and transmit communication easily and in real time owing to technological advancement. This has contributed to greater connectedness in the social space. Technology plays a significant role in journalism through media globalization. This is where digital media such as CNN and BBC offers similar information to viewers from varying linguistic areas allowing professionals and world citizens to express their views and reach people all over the world. It facilitates the establishment of new communities in transnational spaces (Reese, 2010).
There is increased economic exchange among people from different parts of the world. (Mishkin, 2009). Microeconomic changes in the US cause a change in the value of the dollar and this has a ripple effect on other countries in the world. For example, the microeconomic changes in the US housing and lending system led to the economic recession that affected other countries around the world. Many countries that had close economic linkages with the US were hit the hardest by the economic downturn that occurred in the US. Mi...
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