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Writing Assignment: Talk About Diet Experience From Myself

Essay Instructions:

This is a personal essay, talk about the experience from myself. 
I don't know should personal essay need to cite sources or not, if you think you need to then add some, if you think it is unnecessary then don't add any. 
This is my brief outline: 
Introduce myself, 3 years ago I was 170 pounds, normal adolescence weight and body. Because of a bad diet habit, I became 250 pounds, a fat guy. After my endeavor of working, I became 210 pounds. Bla bla bla bla... 
After the losing weight in these two years, I became more obese or sometimes loses weight, I will share my experiences and acknowledges about losing weight. 
1. Reasonable diet, a good diet. 
2. A good life style 
3. Increase on exercise 
Body 1: 
Good dietary 
1. Dietary is the most important part, it is the most reason for the obesity. To the people who are already overweight, dietary is still the key. Refuse the fried food, refuse the desserts, refuse blablablabla... 
Should eat more blablabla it is good for the body blablabla. 
Add some personal experiences on every argument, like used the strategy of moderate the eating and loses some weight etc. The exercise too. 
Body 2 
Good lifestyle. 
1. Don't sleep too late. 
2. Good routine on eating time 
3. Walk more 
Remember to add personal experience on every argument, make it up a little, make some story up. 
Body 3 
Introduce about the aerobic exercises (when I was 170 pounds, I run everyday for 30 min + some series of exercise to keep my body in a good shape) 
Introduce about the hot yoga, I loses 25 pounds because of hot yoga. 
Also add a paragraph, talk about why I didn't lose the weight successfully. And the refection of this failed plan. 
1, because I didn't persevere in losing weight, it leads that I still didn't lose any weight now. 
2, I didn't strictly followed my designed plan 
The above are my personal experience made in outline, it is for you to reference! Don't follow this to write, its only for reference, I already wrote 3 pages. Inside those 3 pages, it has some of my experiences too, I will upload it, and this is for references too!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Three years ago I weighed 170 pounds – a healthy, male adolescence with an appropriate weight and body structure. Because of a poor dietary habit, among other key factors, my weight rose to 250 pounds – fat and chubby. Unfortunately, I did not realize the weight gain in time until I did an extra 80 pounds. Hitting 250 pounds was the scariest moment of my life. I knew well the health problems that excessive weight poses to an individual, some of which I had started experiencing. This realization prompted me to get on the road to weight loss. After two years of hard work, I had lost 40 pounds – and weighed 210 pounds. After the two years struggle with weight, I again became obese and lost weight inconsistently. I did not have a predictable pattern of weight gain or loss. Throughout my experience with weight, I can confidently sum up the key factors towards weight gain, maintenance or loss to three.
Struggling with weight loss is a painful experience that many people go through. However, as some people and country consider excessive weight as a sign of affluence, most individuals and countries see it as a sign of poverty as the obese people are assumed to be incapacitated to afford good quality food (Cockerham, 2014). Irrespective of what others think of an individual's weight, it must be acknowledged that both excessive weight and low weight poses huge health risks to a person. Excessive weight makes a person susceptible to chronic diseases such as diabetes and other heart-related diseases. Weight loss is also associated poor mobility and “body image.” Most people feel ashamed of excessive weights and can not stand the pressure; this shame in most instances stress into individuals. And from the same experience, stress have a correlation to weight. People react to stress differently, just like other stimuli. While some people respond to stress by increased eating, others respond by reduced eating. It is, therefore, imperative to note that stress affects a person's dietary pattern and eventually body weight. Some of the tips I have learned that may help you achieve or maintain your desired body weight include:
As I expressed above, Nutrition – the correlation between diet and weight can not be assumed. When I changed my residence, the new environment came with new food, new eating habits, new exposure and even schedule – and a whole new life's experiences. As I got into my new schedule, I had a changed eating pattern and foods. I rarely did find time to prepare myself appropriate food. Moreover, I would find myself out with the new friends – while trying to make newer friends in the environment. I would mostly find myself in fast food joints and other outside eateries. I also got used to eating snacks without considering their nutritive value. I can comfortably admit that this played a very big role towards my weight gain. Fast foods and snacks generally have high caloric value.
Drink more water. Water cleanses the body and will keep the framework working in a robust and excellent pace. Water is non calorie liquid that you can take at whatever time and any sum you need. Water will help your body to feel and look fitter and sexier. Water first. Before you take your thinning tea in the morning, drink a glass of water. Water will go through your stomach related framework washing poisons and hurtful specialists away. Besides, it is a pleasant solution for fathom your nourishment admission - water can execute your craving. The human body is generally made of water; and it is essential to supply the body with sufficient water supply; as it will keep your stomach full without eating more nourishment (Muckelbauer, et.al., 2013).
Say no to sweetened food drinks. Pop drinking is not a quick thought. Non-alcoholic beverages, colas, and fizzy contain sugar - one of the principle wellsprings of calories is sugar. If you need to get in shape speedier, you have to avoid nourishment beverages and adhere to the eating routine regimen you are taking after. Go for Water Substitute. On the off chance that you don't care for drinking much water, it is ideal to stick to watery sustenances. Lemons and tomatoes are water-based organic products that you can eat to supply your body with the vital liquid for detoxification. Organic product Juice or Fresh Fruits. Packaged natural product juices are sweetened with sugar - you have to avoid these juices to stop your sugar admission. New natural products have unrefined sugar that is useful to the body. Go for Fresh Fruit Juice. If probably you can't stand drinking natural product juices, it is prudent to stick to new organic prod...
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