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The United States And The World, Leading Global Superpowers

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The United States and the World
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The United States and the World
China in the Middle East and the US are the two leading global superpowers. The two countries have cultures that are somehow similar to each another, and then again significantly differ from each other. The major differences and similarities that arise between the Chinese and American cultures are well explicitly discussed. Bearing in mind that the two countries are among the leading in the economies in the world. According to Forbes records in 2017, USA has got the world's largest economy followed closely by China. The partnership between China and USA by which each one them got the best strategic planning, as proved by the other superpower nations that the two countries maintain the most excellent bilateral relationships. Besides, the two nations share both similarities and differences regarding social communications, government systems, democracy, education, family unity, language taboos and human rights.
First, concerning social contact, the two countries share similar trends and at the same time some noticeable differences. In the two nations, etiquette in any social setting is practiced. The patterns of communication during interaction with people of different age brackets maintains the status quo (Picchi, 2017). The juniors whether in a social, economic or political setting, will always respect the elderly. On the other hand, some obvious differences distinguish the two countries regarding social interactions (Picchi, 2017). In the USA, colleagues in business, for example, will go for a happy hour together as they party, they get to know each other more at a personal level. Americans will socialize with their workmates and keep it within the work context. While in China, Chinese will personally want to know those they are doing business together so that they can foster their absolute trust. Trust does not come in them without any similar business goal, unlike the Americans.
Secondly, is on the two countries’ government and political system. The main similarity between the two countries is that their political dependency seems to be connected to problems regarding corruption and logistics. Many ventures in China and the USA which depend entirely on political connections get caught up in criminal investigations and scandals. On the other hand, the two countries have different systems of government (Picchi, 2017). The USA and China sit on opposite ends of the political spectrum; the USA is a capitalist country based on a Liberal ideology, whereas China is a socialist country based on a strong Marxist background (Picchi, 2017). They have differences in their perspective of individual freedom, economic control, and structure. The primary difference between Capitalism and Socialism is their idea of individual freedom, liberal ideology focusing more on the constitutional rights of a person, whereas Socialism believes rights are relative and held by society as a whole.
Regarding The democracy of the two countries, they both have democracies that are well dictated in the constitution. Therefore, the constitution is a common factor where the two countries follow. Even though they got these constitutional rights, they still vary regarding the types. As we know, the two countries differ significantly in their social, economic and political systems (Picchi, 2017). The same applies in their constitutions. As mentioned earlier the USA is a capitalist country, and therefore the constitution is a capitalist type. Besides, in China, their constitution follows a socialist perspective.
The next similarity and difference come from the systems of education. Similarities in the two countries, therefore, exists where they both provide an excellent education that nurtures intellectuality and curiosity in children as soo...
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