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Desert Solitaire Essay

Essay Instructions:

Must be at least 1000 words, analysis of the attached article. Cite from the article as well as 1 other outside source. I have attached the article in picture format. The pictures are from 35-48. They may appear out of order but the correct order is the image labeled 35 is the first one and they are in sequential order from 35-48.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Desert Solitaire
Desert Solitaire
Life existence revolves around water. The story is about the conversation between Edward Abbey and the tourist from Cleveland, Ohio, who believes the desolate desert would be a better suburb in the presence of water. According to Abbey, the desert is fine with its features and adjusting to appear like Cleveland have a negative impact on its special qualities. A barren State without moisture and humidity has little life. The tourist from Cleveland, Ohio was pleased with the country though he wished for some rain. He has never been in such a state before. However, this was his first adventure to spend few hours in the desolate desert. The blooming states like New Jersey with cabbage farms and golf course thrive on water. However, even the population here is scarce because there are restricted months of rainfall. Finally, the writer narrates that the country is a mere tourist site. It provides a perfect scene for capturing video and photos. This the brief conversation between the tourist from Ohio and the author, each of them leaving the scene acquainted with knowledge and information about the desolate desert with little life. Indeed, they have both gained from the conversation. Abbey noted that only two creeks flow from springs in the Arches area, though they are not portable. The salt streams are like a brine for human consumption, and the onion has poisoned. The visitors are encouraged to carry a gallon of water while in the field. This is a special skill Abbey learned while hiking down into the Grand Canyon.
Being an intense admirer of nature, Abbey expresses his feelings towards flora and fauna of the desert in Lyrical approach. His stays in the desert equipped him to master all the names of the plants and animals, and more specifically the unique behavior of the native beasts. Abbey is not impressed by the behavior of the visiting tourists. He has an opposite perception about the nature against that of tourist who insists on an artificial modification to the surrounding. Abbey further gets furry with the ongoing development of the national park. He opposes construction because it destroys the natural wilderness yet it should be preserved. Everyone benefits from the wilderness whether by physical visit or not. Preservation of natural resources with alteration is in the best interest of Abbey. The presence of arches in the park provides a natural attraction to the desert (Abbey, 2016). Nature creates these two arches uniquely with a certain angle of view resembling the wedding band. Finally, Abbey observed the three campgrounds where the mountain to help tourists in trouble and view the entire landscape of about 33,000 acres.
Abbey enjoys diversifying his usual duties in assisting the local rancher during the spring cattle ...
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