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Understanding One Concept, Theory: Polioies Of Global

Essay Instructions:

In your response paper, identify an important concept, theory, or insight about globalization from Steger Chap. 3 "Economic dimension of globalization" and discuss it in relation to the assigned readings by Chan, Pun, & Selden "The politics of global production" and Mathew & Tan "China's continuing renewable energy revolution."
WORD LIMIT: 375-400 words (approximately three paragraphs)
Your response paper prepares you for Wed. recitation on Oct. 18, when you will have a chance to share your ideas about the readings in the course.
*The response paper is worth 5 pts. and will be graded based on the following rubric:
Response shows good understanding of at least one concept, theory, or insight from Steger Chap. 3 and applies it appropriately to both assigned readings (3 pts.)
Discussion is accurate and supported with appropriate examples (2 pts.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Global Policies
Global Policies
Laissez-faire is the type of an economy where the government does not impose taxes, tariffs nor do they give subsidized services or products. Naturally the government takes away a minimal amount of money from its citizens, and as a result, insignificant amount of money gets its way through to financial assistance. According to Bieler, et al. (2016), this type of economy is beneficial, especially in states where citizens do not have much money to give their government and can afford the finances being taken from other nation's operations to net income. This kind of system gives rise to international trade due to lack of tariffs. Besides, it can as well lead to an increase in the rates of emigration and immigration. The persons will possess a lot of finances to buy popularized items which perhaps might evolve from globalization.
It is often said that the world is slowly but steadily becoming a global village. This might be due to the persistent rate of globalization. Transport and communication have been rendered easy, compared to a few centuries ago, when the two were more of a luxury than a necessity. There is indeed a buzz all around, concerning what new thing might come tomorrow. Quite inevitably, innovation will come with each pa...
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