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Democrats vs. Republicans

Essay Instructions:

Compare and contrast essay. Please see assignment and rubric attached and follow the directions.

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Your response should be a maximum of two (2) double-spaced pages. Refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements. Comparison-Contrast Paragraph: You will write a comparison-contrast paragraph. You may choose any comparison-contrast approach related to persons, places, or things. You must demonstrate mastery of the following in your paragraph, so make sure that the depth (length) of your paragraph is sufficient to demonstrate these concepts: a. Topic Sentence – Be sure this is a general statement that identifies what you will compare and contrast. (10 points) b. Body Sentences – Be sure to select ideas and write sentences that clearly compare and contrast two persons, places, or things and that are definitely related to the topic sentence. The quality and relationship of these sentences will be evaluated. (30 points) c. Organization/Coherence: In comparison-contrast paragraphs, the organization of the sentences is very important. Be sure that you organize your paragraph in the best way possible. Select transitions for your paragraph that demonstrate your understanding of the order you select. At a minimum, you must use three (3) transitions to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these transitions in yellow. (30 points) d. Language Awareness: Your paragraph should demonstrate an awareness of language usage. For example, your writing should be exact, concise, and fresh. (10 points) e. Concluding Sentence: Be sure to complete your paragraph with a well-written concluding sentence. (10 points) f. Mechanics and Grammar – Be sure that you complete the final step of the writing process: proofreading. Your paragraph should definitely be free from sentence construction errors and should demonstrate correct use of verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and pronoun use; in addition, it should be spell-checked. (10 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Democrat Party vs. Republican Party
Student Name
Professor Name
Democrats vs. Republicans
For a long time, the United States (U.S) has fielded two strong political parties where Democrats constantly compete with Republicans with the essence of promoting their political ideologies and searching means of maintaining political leadership. Even though the two parties are different from the traditional view, they find agreement on given social and political ground issues. Far past the controversial issues of federalism, unilateral military aggression, abortion, and same-sex marriage, both parties have been at the forefront of campaigning to promote prison privatization and military budget increase by political striving to reduce the tax burden on the rich.
Both parties are not prepared to increase the tax burden, which is apparently on the shoulders of the American population. On the contrary, both Democrat and Republican parties are committed to cut taxes, which will promote the rich significantly but of no help to the social welfare of the poor (Freeman, 2021). This was evident based on the Bankruptcy Bill passed by the Republicans in favor of credit card businesses over Americans who have lost jobs or have huge medical bills. In return for the favor, the Democrats passed the Welfare Reform Act, limiting the benefits for the poorest layers of Americans.
Both Republicans and Democrats promote the need for prison privatization but support the nation striving to prohibit drugs. The war against drugs makes a political tenet that is adhered to by the two parties and follows it strictly as the success pillar of their political ideals. In addition, the two parties are opposed to prison tortures and support the increase of the military budget (Freeman, 2021). The two parties have promoted an increase in the military budg...
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