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Defining Successful Marriage

Essay Instructions:

This next assignment will deal with writing a short informal definition essay. Be sure to use the writing strategies we've practiced all semester as you develop this short essay. Think of it as a more fully developed Discussion Board assignment. So for the rest of the semester you have this Short Definition Essay, Summary two, and the Final Research Essay.

NOTE on SUMMARY 2: Use the same instructions for writing Summary 1 for Summary 2. The difference is that you will be summarizing a source for you final research essay this time.

Read "Module 6: Definition Essay." (click on title). Open the Module and read the units listed in the bullet points below in order to get a sense of the key components of this type of essay. The essay will be fairly informal. It's purpose is to serve as an exercise in critical thinking.

How to Write a Definition Essay

Effective Thesis Statements

Video: Thesis Explained

Student Sample: Definition Essay

Read Definition Essay Instructions and Definition Topics (click on title)

View the Definition Essay Power Point Video (click on title)

Please, refrain from using the following terms: "in today's society" or "in today's modern society." Both of these phrases are absolutely meaningless. Just the word "society" is problematic. Is there only one society? Which society are you talking about? Do you mean everyone? As you can see this phrase is so general that it really doesn't mean a thing. Then, when you add modern, you're just being redundant. Can you tell me how today is different than modern? However, you can be more specific if you say something like in today's completive society, or in today's technology driven society. These examples make it clear which aspect of society you're focusing.

Short Definition Essay Instructions

Review the Definition Essay instructions again and the list of topics included in that document (you need to scroll down past the instructions.) Click here to access the Definition Essay Instructions

You need to pick a topic from the list.

It might be wise to view the Definition Power Point again for more information regarding this assignment. Definition Essay PowerPoint (click title)

Tip: After you've brainstormed ideas for this essay and are ready to begin drafting you should return to Module 6 and review Part Three of How to Write a Definition Essay. (click title) It essentially provides a template for how to put this essay together. I promise if you use this as your writing guide combined with the Student Sample: Definition Essay (click on title), you will find this a fairly easy essay to write.

Due Date: The final draft of the Definition Essay is due 11:00pm, 7/19. Submit in the Assignment labeled "Submit Definition Essay"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper on Successful Marriage
July 2021
The word marriage is legally defined as the “legal union of two individuals as spouses. The important elements of marriage include the fact that the two persons have the legal ability to marry one another, they have mutual consent, and that it is a requirement by law that there be a marriage contract” (Cornell Law Edu., 2020). However, marriage goes beyond the legality, validity, and laws of the land. There must be an investment of emotions and a consistent effort to respect and love one another. A successful marriage is not based on the amount of money the couples have inside their banks, the number of numerous material possessions they have, or how they have raised their kids and children into professionals who are successful in life. I stand on the premise that having a big wedding day does not entail that a marriage will last forever. This paper is focused on the argument that Marriage must be studied, learned, and invested upon.
Important Aspects and Factors of a Successful Marriage
Several factors are required and needed to be done to be successful in marriage. The number of divorce rates in America has climbed higher as the years have gone by, and more marriages have been wrecked and families destroyed with children confused and a product of broken homes. The important aspects of a successful marriage involve respect, unconditional love, understanding, forgiveness, versatility, and God in the center of it all. Men will be human and full of weaknesses, thus the need for a Higher Power that will grant strength to forgive, pursue goals, and love unconditionally even when one does not have emotions or feelings to love. Sadly, an inside look and in-depth study on the number of divo...
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