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David Axelrod and James Kloppenberg’s Analysis of Obama's

Essay Instructions:

The task involves analyzing Obama's "A more Perfect Union" speech (an exhibit source) and putting into conversation two critics (or argument sources) that make arguments about this exhibit. In a cohesive paragraph (or two paragraphs, maximum) introduce and analyze two key passages from Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech in order to make a claim related to one of the topics listed below. In the next paragraph, introduce an argument source and summarize its key claim, use of one of its passages to illustrate the critic's point about. the topic; finally, in a last paragraph compare this sources's argument about the topic to a second arguemnt sources's claim.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A More Perfect Union
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A More Perfect Union
On March 18, 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama delivered “A More Perfect Union.” One of the key passages in the speech entails dissecting the issue of racism and how it has remained embedded in American society. Obama indicated that America had race complexities that had not been fully addressed. He spoke of the black community’s anger towards white Americans and vice versa. The other key passage entailed condemning the remarks of Rev. Wright regarding the same issue. Rev. Wright, Obama’s longtime former pastor, had made remarks denouncing the U.S. and accusing the government of crimes committed against the people of color. Wright was candid that God should damn America for its role in killing innocent individuals. Despite the apparent connection, Obama felt it was important to distance himself from the minister. He was aware that Rev. Wright played a crucial role in his life, including awakening his spiritual life and baptizing his children. However, Obama was clear that Rev. Wright erred in considering the issue of racism from a narrow prism. Rather than considering America’s progress in tackling the problem, Obama felt that the minister concentrated on the wrong instead of the right. This analysis will demonstrate how Obama distanced himself from Rev. Wright’s remarks while demonstrating why the minister and others hold a distorted view of racism.
David Axelrod in Believer: My forty years in politics amplifies Rev. Wright’s mistake. Wright did not error in his sermon because he addressed the issue of racism. Instead, Axelrod (2015) demonstrates that the minister made a profound mistake when he spoke of the American society as static. In this context, Obama indicated that Rev. Wright painted America as a country that had made no progress on the issue of racism. Indeed, America had made strides over the years, although challenges were still visible. For instance, America has made it possible for Obama to run for the highest office and establish a coalition with other races. Despite the effort, America continued to be held by past mistakes. Obama urged the followers that there was hope ahead since America could change for the better. Hence, Obama pointed to Rev. Wright as one who chose to ignore the country’s progress to overcome racism. The writer takes an issue with the failure of Rev. Wright to acknowledge the reality that America, while it has challenges, has taken steps to address some ...
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