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Week 5 Modernism: How The Daughters of the Late Colonel Depicts Modernism

Essay Instructions:

The forum for this week is to select one of the assigned readings by Woolf or Mansfield or the movie version of "The Razor's Edge" and explain how it represents Modernism. The resources this week will help you develop a frame for your response; however, you may find it helpful to find outside information to assist in developing your response. Please be sure to use and cite direct evidence from the reading or reference specific scenes from the movie you select to support your claims.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How The Daughters of the Late Colonel depicts Modernism
Institution of Affiliation:
How 'The Daughters of the Late Colonel' by Mansfield depicts Modernism
Mansfield's (1922) “The Daughters of the Late Colonel” is one of the best stories by that portrays modernist view on feminism. It is split into twelve sections, and it tells the story of two sisters; Constantia and Josephine. Both are presented as immature due to their father's repression on them that has been happening for years. This gets so intense that, even after their father's death, they find it hard to free themselves from the shackles of his authority. This treatment is labeled as superficial, pathetic, humiliating and pitiful as they are emasculated for life. Mansfield illustrates portrays the temporal dichotomy masculine (linear) and feminine (cyclical), showing the males as natural allies to women.
Mansfield emphasizes on symbolic times connected with the passing away of the patriarch. His dictatorship is not disputed, as we see in the continuation of the influence of his power over the two daughters even after death, as well as symbolized by his stick, similar to a scepter and his hat to a crown. The late colonel's connection to historical temporality is shown by the golden watch that has left after he dies. (pg100). The watch is so valuable that none of the daughters asks for it. Both suggest that one of either their brother Benny or his son Cyril should inherit it since they are clearly of the masculine principle.
In conclusion, modernism is characterized by a break in traditional forms of literature such as poetry and prose. Katherine has incorporated both, and creates a tempo within the plot of the novel, particularly when the argument about the golden watch arises. It's vague, distracting and has an ambiguous ending with a conversation between the two girls. We see Constantia saying faintly, "I can't say what I was going to say, Jug, because I've forgotten what it wa...
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