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Discuss why it is Important for Managers to Consider the Training and Development Needs of Employees

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APA must be 6th edition Please make sure conclusion is centered and has at lease one source.

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Training and development
Training and development is the educational process that involves sharpening skills, changing of attitude and gaining more knowledge to improve the performance of employees. It is carried out by the HR department, and it is concerned with organizational activities designed to improve the performance of individuals and groups in an organization. It is known by different names including human resource development, learning and development and human capital development. Training is both evaluated against and focused upon the job that an individual in the organization currently holds. Development focuses on the activities that the organization in which an employee is a part of, may partake in future and it is tough to evaluate. Training and development of employees by managers is essential in any given organization that strives to get maximum performance from the employees.
Individuals care if the manager takes a genuine interest in their future, this helps to create a strong bond between the employee and the manager hence building loyalty and in that increasing productivity. Loyal employees are usually engaged and in return, they are more productive. Therefore once a manager takes interests in the training of the employees then there will be an increase in production. Talented people naturally want to advance, and they appreciate meaningful support in the process through training mentoring and coaching. They, therefore, become versatile and valuable to an organization. Employees will stay motivated in an organization that the manager helps advance their careers (Aguinis & Kraiger 2009).
Training and development of employees ensure that an organization has competitive age in the market. Keeping happy employees help to ensure maximum performance by the employees. This creates competition in the market since quality services are provided. Also, once employees are highly motivated, other organizations will try hard to get to the standards set by the particular organization that trains and develops employees. Training of employees improves productivity which in turn boosts profitability (Noe, 2014). This ensures high competition in the market.
Employee training increases job satisfaction and morale among employees. Through this growth in moral, the workers produce maximum performance. This helps to ensure that there is full dedication and loyalty to work. It makes it easier to retain motivated employees in the organization while at the same time ensuring high-performance levels are maintained within the organization. This also helps reduce employee turnover.
By training, workers are educated about the efficient use of modern technology. Technology is an important part in organizations of today. It helps with efficient quality work production. Technology increases productivity, therefore, increasing profitability. Once workers are equipped with using technology then production levels increase and competition in the market is maintained. Through training, there is an enhanced capacity to adopt new techniques and methods.
Training promotes safety and health among employees hence enhancing company image. This is done by conducting ethics training. Workers can comply with laws and regulations hence promoting their safety in legal issues. Training also helps in risk management especially when it comes to issues such as sexual harassment and diver...
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