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Literature & Language
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Data Collection and Interview: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

you are conducting a research study on “construction productivity of skilled labor” to seek answers of the following key questions:

1. What type of formal (i.e. classroom) and/or informal (i.e. on-the-job) training did skilled labor receive in order to perform their job?

2. What motivated people to work in the Construction Industry as a craft worker?

You decided to conduct “interviews” to gather the relevant qualitative data. Design your research methodology as follows:

Please answer those question one by one, the related information from my upload file.

1. What would be your target population? (5 points)

2. What sampling method would you use and why? (5 points)

3. What type of interviews would you conduct and why? (5 points)

4. Draft at least six interview questions that can provide you sufficient data to answer the above key questions. (35 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data Collection and Interview
Student’s Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission:
Data Collection and Interview
Research methodology
1). Target Population
This study's target population includes contractors, project managers, site engineers, executive engineers, architectures, Quantity surveyors, and project owners from the New York construction industry (Karimi et al., 2018). A list of 200 buildings and construction companies will be taken from the New York Engineering records and used as the target population to participate in the study.
2). Sampling method to use during the study
Simple random sampling will be applied to select the 200 building and construction companies whose professionals will participate in the survey (Etikan et al., 2017). The Snowball sampling method will also be used to conduct a research study. This method involves using the selected participants to choose and encourage additional qualified individuals who could be interested in participating in the research study. This method is efficient at providing a large amount at a relatively low cost. (Etikan et al., 2017). Therefore, the main reason for using this sampling method is to obtain a large number of completed questionnaires.
3). Type of interviews that will be conducted
Structured interviews will be used in this research study. The interview will consist of web designed questionnaires that will be sent to the respondents via email. Questionnaires in web survey formats save on time and cost of the researcher. It also allows the target respondents to respond to the questions at their comfort (Adhabi et al., 2017). The objectives and the methods used in the survey study will be explained to the respondents. The respondents will be provided with guidelines and procedures to be followed to avoid errors. Some oversights will be provided to ensure the smooth and consistency of the whole process. Proper data storage and delivery to the Group Discussion Center will be done through email to ensure privacy is upheld.
4). Interview questions
Designed open-ended que...
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