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Do curfews keep teens out of trouble? Literature & Language Essay

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Do Curfews Keep Teens Out of Trouble?
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Do Curfews Keep Teens Out of Trouble?
Chicago city recently introduced a curfew to keep teens out of trouble. If teens could be contained indoors past a specific timeline at night, then there would be a decrease in teen’s related crimes. There has been an ongoing debate whether the implemented curfew laws are good or not. The argument for the implementation of the curfew is that many teens will be kept out of trouble at night time (Robert, 2018). Numerous teen deaths currently experienced shall be greatly reduced in relation to the reduced criminal activities. However, I disagree with the notion of punishing a majority of the teens for the misconduct of the few teens.
To begin with, the Curfews comprise of restricting a teenage time found outside their house such as from 11.30- 8 a.m. Here, law enforcement officers get the chance of stopping any young person found out on the specific curfew hours. The law is discriminatory in a way. Criminal activities can be committed at any given time of the day. Despite the prevalence of the teen criminalization, there are no given timings in which the crimes can be committed. Car vandalism and looting amongst many other criminal activities can take place during the day or the off- curfew hours.
Curfews do engage more police time than during non-curfew hours. Whenever a curfew is enforced, the law requires regular police officers to conduct patrols around a city (Robert, 2018). The patrols are aimed at finding out any kind of teens that are not adhering to the curfew hour’s restriction. The time used by law enforcers in conducting the various security patrols could be used in the management of other more serious crimes. The attention of the police should not be diverted from serious crimes for the sake of the curfews restriction.
Cities enact curfews just to contain a group that seems rowdy. Instead of dealing with the surface issue, it is in order that the cities look into the root of the issues. Teenagers belong to families (Robert, 2018). It is the responsibility of the parents to bring up teenagers in the right manner. In addressing the teens, one does overlook the issue of parenthood. It is in order for the parents to come up with correct ways of making sure their teens and children do not engage in cr...
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