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Discussion. Social Media. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the implications of social media and its effects on communication, time management, and focus. What conclusions can you draw about your own use of social media? Has it affected the way you interact with others both online and face to face? What implications does the spread of misinformation and interaction on social media have for businesses and their employees?

This is an articlePreview the document you may find interesting: Early Facebook and Google Employees Form Coalition to Fight What They BuiltPreview the document

We've discussed the challenges of misinformation spreading online, particularly through social media. "How Your Brain Tricks You into Believing Fake News"Links to an external site. also discusses this as the equivalent of a public health crisis. Here are some excerpts:


Academics are still trying to understand all the ways we are vulnerable to misinformation on the Internet. Readers report being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content they encounter online on a daily basis. Here are some of the reasons we're susceptible to believing dubious claims--and why we play a role in spreading them.

Indecent Exposure. MIT cognitive scientist David Rand has shown that simply being exposed to fake news makes people more likely to believe the claims. This "illusory truth" effect works even when such claims run counter to the reader's political ideology. This may be because we subconsciously rely on cognitive shortcuts, known as heuristics, to make quick decisions about what to trust online. These habits of the mind can lead people to assume, for example, that if something is familiar, it is also safe.

Social Creatures. In a 2016 Pew poll, 23% of Americans said they had shared a made-up news story. While many did no unknowingly, 14% said they were aware it was false at the time. Experts suggest that our deep desire for social feedback, which may come in the form of retweets or likes on social media, can trump any hesitation we might have about sharing inaccurate information.

The Latest Sensation. Another study conducted at MIT found that claims that fact-checkers rated as false traveled faster and further on Twitter than claims they rated as true. The authors also determined that false claims were more likely to elicit feelings of surprise and disgust. In India, where viral rumors about kidnappings have spread on WhatsApp and led mobs to kill strangers, the tech company took out ads asking people to "question information that upsets you."

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Social Media
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Given the advancements in technology, social media has become the most commonly used platforms across the internet. Therefore, its use has both negative and positive implications regarding communication, time management, and focus.
Through social media, people can keep in touch with friends that they would have lost contact due to the long distance between them. Hence, the social media platforms make it easy to text such people whenever necessary. The platforms are very efficient in delivering a personal message as long as both parties have an internet connection. As well, people have been doing businesses through social media. For example, a person can open a page on Facebook and be able to advertise the item that they are selling. In turn, the followers can enquire more about the item and make an order. The absence of social media would only have made it easy for the seller to deal with the people that he can physically reach. However, social media has provided a reliable communication platform. Also, social platforms have enhanced the methods of communication such as verbal and non-verbal. Pictures have become an effective way of communicating tons of information (Whitmore, Agarwal & DA Xu, 2015).
Regarding time management, social media platforms have brought a negative impact. People spend so much time on social media and, end up forgetting important things that they were supposed to be doing. An example is a case whereby students spend much time on social media during a time when they are supposed to be researching for a particular assignment on the inter...
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