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Culture Psychology

Essay Instructions:
Write a literature review that includes the following: Culture Psychology A description of one of the movements / issues in psychology. How do you think it has influenced the science of psychology, psychological problems, and how research is approached? Your definition of psychology or of counseling, a time line in history What it means to you to be a psychologist or counselor who is a scholar-practitioner? 1) Summarize existing literature in relation to the proposed research question b) Include different perspectives on the chosen topic c) Explain how the proposed research can add to the existing literature 2) Include eight references from scholarly sources. 3) Prepare this assignment according to the APA Style Guide Create an annotated bibliography using these references. The annotation for each reference must be one paragraph and include summary information on the content and quality of the source.
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Annotated Bibliography: Cultural Psychology

Culture Psychology
Cultural Psychology is a topic that has been widely researched on by very many scholars and thus it has very many definitions. For better understanding of cultural psychology a researcher has to understand what culture and psychology this article reviews eight different literatures on how culture affects how people behave.
Kashima, Y. & Gelfand, M. (N.d.). A history of Culture in Psychology. Retrieved on February 5th, 2013 from /psyc/gelfand/KashimaGelfandHistory.pdf
Method and Participants
Kashima and Gelfand, main interest in carrying out this research was to find out when the study of cultural psychology began. The method of study that they use in this article is digging dipper into the history of psychology.
Research design and Procedures
The two authors conduct the study by analyzing a wide range of texts on culture and psychology from ancient times to the modern world and even interviewing several stakeholders in the field.
The two authors found out that the study on history of cultural study has existed throughout human history
Kashima and Gelfand define culture as “a set of meanings of information that is genetically transmitted from one individual to another. Which is more or less shared within a population or a group and endures for some generations” (p.4). They believe that the study of culture began during the Renaissance era of the 15th-16th century when many Italian and western scholars a good example is Marco Polo travelled through the Middle East and Far East gathering out information on different ethnic group cultures and after he published his book information about foreign beliefs and customs began to flow into Europe. According to the two authors Columbus,’ an ancient researcher on culture, publication known as Columbus’s letter about his first voyage to his patrons is regarded as the first important ethnographic document of modern times.
Kashima and Gelfand believe that cultural psychology refers to how the culture influences human behaviors and mental processes. They say “it is the environment in which humans find themselves that clouds the shining light of reason, leaving some peoples and their customs darkness of superstition, although there are variants of this line of thinking” (p.6). This article is important to me as a psychologist in that it broadens my knowledge on what culture is, by looking deeply into the history of study of culture and vividly describing the relationship between culture and psychology.
Colendrino-Bucu, A. Guerrero, M. Pascual, B. & Matero, R. (1997). Introduction to Psychology. A Textbook in General Psychology. Quezon: Rex Printing Company.
Method and Participants
Bucu, Guerrero, Pascual, and Matero carried out research on methods used in the study of how culture influence psychology. They involve several authors on cultural psychology views on how they conduct the study on how culture influence peoples’ behavior.
Research Design and Procedures
Bucu, Guerrero, Pascual, and Matero main sources of information was through analyzing a variety of past scholars literature on the field.
The four authors define psychology as a scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Bucu, Guerrero, Pascual, and Matero found out that the four most commonly used methods in studying psychology are the experiment, survey, case and clinical studies and lastly observation.
According to them in experiments two groups are used the experimental that is the group being studied and the control group and then comparing the results between the two. Survey involves gathering evidence relating to current conditions while case and clinical studies is the intensive investigations of the cases above.
This book contributes a lot to the field of psychology by simplifying the methods of carrying out research on any topic in psychology; it gives a step by step explanation on methods of study applicable to the study of any issue on psychology.
Kitayama, S., & Cohen, D. (2010). Handbook of cultural psychology. New York: Guilford.
Kitayama and Cohen research on how cultures influence how humans behave. The participants in this book are several ethnic groups especially the Greek.
Research Design and Methods
The method of study that the two authors adopt is observation of the behavior of human and relating those behaviors with a number of cultural and psychology publications.
Strong belief in ones traditions is the cause of difference in behavior in people from different ethnic backgrounds.
The two authors argued that most people start life by only knowing that only their own culture, and see themselves as being located in the center of the earth. They explain that the ancient Greeks thought that the center of the earth was located in Delphi so every place to the east of Delphi was called east and to the west was called west, the Romans adopted this terminology which then entered into the European Languages and even today we talk of Middle East and Far East.
As a psychologist, this article helps me in assessing the relationship between culture and Psychology by examining how historical trends in psychology and culture shape the current work and future work in the field.
Williams, J.E., Satterwhite, R.C. & Saiz, J.L. (1998). The Importance of Psychological Traits: A Cross-Cultural Study. New York: Plenum....
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