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Living ethically as Christians

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Living ethically as Christians
Professor Name:
(February, 2013)

Poverty is a very serious ethical issue, and Christians have a strong obligation to fight against it. Extreme poverty been faced in many parts of the world is not only devastating but also solvable (Lloyd, 2006). The reason been God has provided the resources we need to eliminate it. However, in our entrepreneurial culture, many Christians have turned a blind eye to the starving and affected people and have coddled in unneeded luxury. Lloyd is of the view that the church as a Godly institution has fallen into mess. For instance, churches today are spending millions to erect fancy church buildings and their leaders use the most expense cars in the world on the expense of the suffering humanity.
The truth of the matter is that Christ called us to a higher standard. His care and concern for the poor and marginalized comes through on every page of the Gospels. For instance, consider Luke 12:33 (New Revised Standard Version) “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.” Therefore, if you are a true follower of Christ, you should be in a position to understand the seriousness of the issue at hand.
For sure, food is a basic necessity and having people go without enough to eat is actually injustice. The bible is firm on this issue, for instance, God's grace in Jesus Christ argues we, Christians to help our neighbors, regardless of where they live; in the next house, the next state, or the next continent. It is our mandate to see hunger is eradicated throughout the world. We will not only be fulfilling Gods commands but helping towards achieving a heartier and happy world. Yes, confronting this problem is overwhelming but it is possible. Some of the ways could be:
Taylor advocates for nutrition programs in nations and areas affected and starting school lunch programs in poor countries or regions. This should target the women mostly the pregnant, infants and young children. This will enable the vulnerable group get the required nutrients they require for healthy development (Taylor, 2005).
He goes further to say other workable method is advocating an altitude of “Not on My Watch" in the Christian community and the government officials at large. It is true not until Christians as leaders and other world leaders at large say, "No child will die under my watch. We will have the right policies in place to make sure we defeat hunger" will hunger be defeated (Taylor, 2005). Good examples of nations that have made achieved this includes; China and Brazil who contribute great in world food programme.
Response to Batavia Murray
Oh yes, the truth of the matter is that we can end hunger in our generation if we seek to inspire a new generation of hunger advocates. The world heath program estimates to about 925 million hungry people in the world today; the vulnerable group been women and children. This is a great number but we have the power if the will is there.
I truly support you in your personal awakening of the Christians to volunteer towards helping in feeding the children however I am to the opinion that regardless of our level of wealth/pove...
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