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Critical Review and Analysis on Mass Media Article

Essay Instructions:

A critical review and analysis of a mass media article (written or broadcast) that talks about apprenticeship or a learning community/organization.

Analysis must demonstrate student’s ability to critically assess information on the issues surrounding apprenticeship programs/learning communities in Canada or globally. In this paper you may reference readings outside of the article such as links to academic research, compare the perspective presented in the article with what we have discussed in the course, or relate the issue to one’s lived experiences.

this is the article I pick


paper should have:

A citation of the article of mass media under discussion (in APA)

A brief description of the media source you have selected, including why you chose it

A summary of the article

Remember, that a review is not a summary, so the bulk of your paper should provide a critical evaluation of the information using the following questions as a guide

Who is the author of the article? What do you know about this individual? What else has the author written?

What is the intended audience of this article?

What major claims or conclusions does the author make? What issues does the work illuminate? What evidence is used to support claims?

What is the tone of this article? What feelings/emotions does it invoke from the reader? What words can you identify to support your argument (connotations of verbs, etc.)?

What voices does the author centre in the article? What voices/opinions are missing? How are direct quotes used to present different groups or individuals? What other perspectives or conclusions are possible?

Your insights regarding how reading this article affects your views on apprenticeship programs.

Language and formatting:

Please follow APA formatting for all written assignments. If you choose an article produced in another language, please provide a translation as an appendix.


approx. 1000 words not counting works cited. 12-point font (Times New Roman).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Review and Analysis on Mass Media Article
Student's Name
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Critical Review and Analysis
"U. S secretary of state nominee Blinken sees strong foundation for bipartisan China policy."
There are various types of media sources that people use to get information about trending issues in government and the community. These sources have a significant influence on apprenticeship since they are medium of information exchange. The primary source is the internet, whereby authors have used the Reuters website to pass information to their respective audience. Unlike in the 20th century, people relied solely on broadcast as the primary media source, the internet has revolutionized media platforms, and now people can't access information on different websites. I chose the internet as my media source; it gives all information in one basket.
The article is about an extended interview about Biden's nominee, and it evaluates his thoughts regarding the new task to America's new administration in 2021. Under this article, Blinken is trying to evaluate the current relationship between America and China. It further explains accusations posed by the USA to the human rights about the Muslim genocide in China. The article seems emphatic about forced labor, and it reflects Biden's goal as the new President to end the war in china and forced labor.
Review and Analysis
"U.S secretary of state nominee Blinken sees strong foundation for bipartisan China policy" is authored by David Brunnstrom and Humeyra Pamuk. David Brunnstrom is a renowned media journalist on the Reuters website, and he has produced phenomenal work in politics across the globe. He provides the most comprehensive stories relating one government to another, making the most preferred political editor on the Reuters website. Additionally, he has a remarkable resume with extensive experience; currently, David Brunnstrom serves as the Asia-US policy correspondent. However, Humeyra Pamuk has played an integral role in preparing and developing the story in this article. Humeyra Pamuk is a professional journalist, and she is the Reuters' correspondent in America's state department. Humeyra has been developing stories in Washington DC, Columbia for the last two years.
Humeyra has extensive experience in political matters and has developed different stories touching governments across the globe. She is also the senior correspondent and editor at Reuters; Humeyra has also covered military, finance, and energy issues in Turkey, Cairo, and London. The article is focused on a set of audiences; for instance, it targets business professionals who might have an interest in transacting with China. It is also reaching directly to the political enthusiasts across all divides.
Moreover, it is also serving the American audience on political issues and their impact on their daily lives. Blinken believes former president Donald Trump was right to initiate harsh measures in China. He also insists on the burden that China has posed to America in terms of trade-offs. As per these statements, the intended audience is the American people and business people. Blinken is sensitizing on the issues of business transactions and losses that American traders have incurred due to China's arrogance and measures in trade-offs. The article acts as an alarm to business people that if China does it change its political views, it will be hard for the USA to transact with them.
Moreover, the article is also reaching the global community by reflecting the filth embedded in China's productivity. Blinken reiterates that America will not import goods produced through forced labor, a message directed to the China community and American affluent business people. According to David and Humeyra (2021), China denies the alleged accusations. The accusations include re-educating people, mostly Muslims, to fit in the communist ideology of bipartisan policy. The indoctrination witnessed in china is extremely shocking since the government under Xi Jinping targets young minds to make them loyal to the Communist Party (Sara, 2019). Accor...
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