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Creating A Campaign Plan For Management And A Labor Union

Essay Instructions:

Write a 5 Page Paper "Creating a Campaign Plan for Management and Creating a Campaign Plan for a Labor Unit."

Keep in mind that your first 5 page paper is not a research paper....there is no need to quote resources.

This is your idea and plan for how you would organize a company as a union and a plan on how you would handle it as the company.

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Creating a Campaign Plan for Management and a Labor Union.
Campaign for a Labor Union
Labor unions are common phenomena around the world. A labor union is a right enshrined in a labor acts of various constitutions. However, planning a labor union is no easy task. Such a campaign must be effective enough to address the needs and grievances as aired by union members. On that note, it is paramount to have a clear and precise procedure of developing a labor union campaign. Below is a step by step process of developing and arranging a labor union campaign.
Step 1: Building and Organizing Committee
In every company, there are various departments. Also, companies are considered to have various shifts which reflect gender parity, ethnic and racial diversity. After establishing that, it is paramount to have at least one leader from each department. However, it is essential to ensure that an organizing committee appreciates diversity and multiculturalism. If such factors are not adequately addressed, then all issues and grievances would not have been addressed. It is important to ensure that all committee members are prepared to be educated and sensitized about the union and its goals and objectives. Hence, each member should be ready and willing to be selected into such a committee. Selecting a labor union organizing committee should be done after collecting employee information, employer information and the workplace structure. Such information is vital for validating the labor union.
2. Stipulating Demands
After selecting the organizing committee, it is essential that all members contribute towards the issues to be raised. For instance, members may deem it fit to form a labor union due to unfavorable working conditions, long working hours or low wages. There ought to be an underlying need to form such a union. At this stage, the committee considers the ideas put across by the members. After such a consideration, the committee adopts an issues program. Such a program calls for improvements that the campaign aims to achieve.
Still at this stage, a strategy is designed and agreed upon for carrying out the union election. This is done by organizing various campaign activities
3. Signing- up more Employees
Signing up more entrants is quite an important step in union campaigns. By signing-up more entrants, the campaign is on course to gaining the upper hand. The aim of such a strategy is ensuring that majority of employees in the workplace or company is a registered member of the union. This massive sign-ups is aimed at ensuring that the company no longer has the ultimate voices. It is a process of shifting the balances of power. In doing so, the campaign gains a sizeable majority. Having done that, it is essential to ensure that all members are signed up and have cards as prove of membership. Gaining a competitive advantage over the company in the negotiating table ensures that the members can never be overlooked. Neither can they be dismissed because that would contravene the labor laws and regulations. It is at this stage that the company’s management realizes the forming of the union. Registering members as carded union members is important in that it enables quick elections. Elections are necessary for installing the union official who would in turn be robust in airing the employees’ grievances.
4. The Elections
After members get the signed cards, the can use them at the state or federal levels. Doing so enables members hold legal elections. However, such election must be supervised by a labor board. Such oversight is aimed at ensuring that everyone is eligible to vote in such a scheduled election. On the same note, the union’s grievances are still on course. As the election continues, such a campaign for better pay or better working conditions is still underway. However, if the union wins, the employer has no option but to recogn...
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