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Critical Analysis of the Novel Night

Essay Instructions:

critical analytical essay about the Novel Night by Elie Wiesel.

In your planning and writing, consider the following instructions:

• Carefully consider your controlling idea and how you will create a strong

unifying effect in your response.

• As you develop your ideas, support them with appropriate, relevant, and

meaningful examples from your choice of literary text.

Do not check, use, refer to, or quote online sources.

You may NOT access any resources other than the

exam itself and a DICTIONARY or THESAURUS.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Critical Analysis of the Novel Night
Novels and other literary tools serve as a means by which the authors communicate to their audience about a given concept. The novel Night is one such example where the author, Elie Wiesel, expresses the human need to commit to a course in what can be termed resilience. Through his experiences of the Holocaust, Elie encourages humans to remain steadfast in their course of action. Despite losing his faith in religion, Elie remains committed to survive throughout the Holocaust. He does not waver in his commitment despite being forced to run to the new camp, despite the attempt on his life, and when he loses his father to sickness. He eventually survives the ordeal courtesy of his commitment.
Commitment requires an individual to remain focused despite the many challenges that they face. Successful people are usually committed to their course of action. For example, many successful leaders have a guiding principle that they stick to irrespective of the circumstances. On the contrary, wavering in the storm’s course only makes one lose sight of their goals. Elie underwent one of the most trying moments in his life that would make anyone lose focus. The experience was so traumatizing that he lost faith in religion and God. He says in the book, “I did not fast…And then, there was no longer any reason for me to fast. I no longer accepted God’s silence” (Wiesel 69). This state is relatable to many people as everyone reaches a point of frustration where they have no more drive t...
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