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Media Influence on the Way We “Do Gender” in Society

Essay Instructions:

Choose ONE of the following questions to answer as a response to this post:

Choice A: “Amalia Ulman Is the First Great Instagram Artist” tells the story of a young woman who found fame on social media through a conscious manipulation of her image. When her Instagram “story” was revealed to be fiction, one response from her followers was anger.

Using the readings from this week, explain what happened.

How did Amalia construct the narrative on Instagram in the first place? In what ways did it illustrate what we have learned this week about gender performance?

  • How did she rely on typical media portrayals of women?
  • How did her performance critique media portrayals of women?
  • Was her performance a lie?
  • Why were her followers angered when her work was revealed as a fiction?
  • Is there any way in which intersectional issues influenced both her initial popularity and the depth of the betrayal felt by some of her fans?
  • How was her use of social media similar to or different from the way most people use it in terms of her presentation of self?
  • Can Judith Butler’s theories help us to understand Ulman’s art or the way we use social media?


Choice B: Based on your reading for this week, discuss whether the media reflects or influences the way we “do gender” in our society. You may also argue that it does both. Topics to consider:

  • Consider the differing ways media portrays women and men, and how these portrayals might be consumed by audience members of a variety of gender identities.
  • How does the performance of gender in the media differ from the performance of gender in “real life?” How can Judith Butler’s theories be useful in discussing this topic?
  • How do intersectional identities influence whether individual people feel that the media reflects their gender?
  • Why do you think transgender people have protested the use of cisgender actors to play transgender roles on television and in film?
  • Come to a conclusion: what is the relationship between media portrayals of gender and ourselves?


Choice C: Locate an advertisement that depicts an image of women, girls, men and/or boys in a respectful and/or empowered manner that deviates from the traditional gender norm.

Post it here and/or post the URL so that others can view it.

Referring directly to our readings for the week,

  1. Describe how the advertisement you chose “rewrites the rules.”
  2. Is intersectionality represented in your chosen advertisement? Please explain.
  3. Use Judith Butler’s theories to explain why the creator of the ad may have made the choices we see here in terms of the way the characters “do gender.”
  4. What impact might this advertisement have on real-life opportunities and possibilities offered men and women in their personal and professional lives?


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week Three Discussion Topic. Media influence on the way we “do gender” in society
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Week Three Discussion Topic. Media influence on the way we “do gender” in society
This paper discusses the role of media in influencing gender identities. Media is one of the significant determinant attitudes, practices, behaviors, and perceptions in our society. The notion of gender identity is not exempted from media influence. Most media outlets portray images of the sexes, which reflects limited, unrealistic, and stereotypical perceptions. More often, media portrayal of gender shows that women remained disproportionately underrepresented.
Women and men are portrayed in socially endorsed views regarding gender, and depictions of relationships between men and women have overarching traditional roles and tend to normalize violence against women. The media may often demean men who play caring or domestic roles or those who oppose violence. Mainstream media representation reinforces notions about what it means to be a “real” man in the community. According to Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy, in most media portrayals, male characters are often rewarded for self-control and their ability to control others, aggression, violence, financial prowess and independence, and physical desirability. These media portrayals can influence perceptions by developing core gender-related expectations. Thus, the net effect of media influence on gender revolves around gender identity involving the trading roles and expectations that define specific gender identity.
The performance of gender in the media may vary from the performances of gender in “real life.” More often, the performance in media reflects the majority endorsed views regarding gender in terms of ...
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