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Crime Scene Review

Essay Instructions:
Case Study Your assignment is to read the Case Study document in the Course Content. This document describes a homicide case that includes crime scene sketches, a list of evidence at the scene and the results of specific analysis, photographs of the scene, preliminary and follow-up investigative reports, a list of investigative contacts and suspects, and some constitutional challenges to the case in the form of a motions hearing. You will write a report that addresses the issues and problems listed. References must include the text and at least three external scholarly sources that support the points you make in the report. Your paper must include the following: discussion of the crime scene investigation and analysis of the evidence at the scene discussion of investigative steps and strategies involved in this homicide investigation discussion of both interviews of witnesses and interrogation of suspects explanations to counter defense efforts to suppress evidence (constitutional challenges) an analysis of what you learned in class and how it was applied in this case, including any glaring differences between the text and the application process The list above is to be used only as guidance in collecting information for the final product; items above are not to be listed and/or used as topical items in the final paper.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crime Scene Review
Ashley Nicole Smith is a victim of a homicide that took place at the Old Annapolis Road, in Columbia. The crime took place from around twelve thirty to five thirty in the morning, on third of November year two thousand. After the discovery of her body in a wooden surrounding behind the road of Old Annapolis, two truck drivers signal the police who on first arrival confirm that Ashley was already dead. After a reasonable time of investigation, a crime report was made through the sketches and photos made in the scene, and a list of evidence that was collected from the scene. In addition, there are follow-up and preliminary investigative reports and a record of several investigative suspects and contacts that was a guide to solid evidence (Fisher, 2004). Find herein a review of the crime scene report, as outlined from the report and the various sketches, photos and other investigative reports made by the investigators.
Crime scene surveillance
The first witnesses of the homicide were two truck drivers namely William Birmingham and Irvin Fornoff. On their call to the patrol officers, the Howard patrol units responded to the call and were dispatched to a wooden surrounding at the back of nine thousand one hundred and seventy, Old Annapolis Road at ten forty six in the morning, on third November year two thousand. The patrol officers discovered that the woman might be dead. The PFC. Malcolm was the one who responded to the scene of crime and found the two truck drivers who worked for Standard Medical Imaging. The truck drivers made a statement that they saw a large puddle that was red, indicating that it had fresh blood. They noticed the paddle when making a U-turn at the parking lot at the back of the building (White, 1986). On exiting their truck, the drivers looked down the edge and immediately noticed that a body that lied on the woods, partially clothed. The PFC. Malcolm confirmed it was the body of a young, white deceased female after he was got closer to the scene. The neck and face of the female was full of blood. The patrol units made an establishment of a crime scene perimeter by the other units of patrol, forensic technicians; the mobile authority post as well as other several investigators came to the scene. The PFC. Malcolm ensured that the scene was not tampered with, by maintaining tight security through the help of uniformed officers and barrier tape.
Evidence collection at crime scene
The Deputy CPL was told that the body of the victim was not yet recognized. The technicians to the crime scenes were almost through with the processing of the scene, as they had taken the necessary information that was needed for the investigation. The scene as well as the body was videotaped and photographed from every angle at the ground and from the helicopter. In addition, there was some more evidence that were collected at the scene of crime as the Deputy CPL was told. The pieces of evidence included black caps that were two and found close to the body of the victim, and the Forensic examiner had already examined the body. Sergeant Schickner allocated Deputy CPL. Case in taking charge of the primary investigation and immediately guided him to location where the body laid. There were numerous observations made by the Deputy CPL. Case. The red large puddle was just about two feet by three, which were found between the lines of the parking space, on the northern side of the parking lot. Moreover, small drops of blood were could be seen whose location was the southern west of the large puddle. There were also two drag marks, which were located around eight feet from the large puddle, headed northern side towards a cement curb. The report further states that on the other area of the curb, an embankment had dropped at a measurement of around six feet. The body of the victim was first discovered at a distance of fifteen feet on the north from the curb and into the woods. She was also laid on her back, while her head faced on the southwest spot that suggested that she might have been dragged using her ankles or feet. The right arm was lifted beyond her head and directed towards the parking lot, while her head faced the left side and her eyes were closed. The body of the deceased appeared well preserved. Moreover, further investigations showed that the victim was stabbed severally on her neck as well as her abdominal part, and the right side of her neck and face was full of blood.
The victim had received numerous tortures as she was also stabbed in the upper side of her back. The clothes that the victim wore were a blue bra and a T-shirt that was light blue in color, which, was rolled up. After some examination on the T-shirt, the investigators noticed there were only two stab wounds managed to cut through it. One of the cuts via the shirt was at the upper side of her back while the other was at the base of her throat and through the collar. Furthermore, this was an indication that the wounds at her abdomen must have inflicted when the shirt was rolled up and especially after being dragged into the woods. She also wore white panties, which had a logo of “power puff Girl,” as well as white socks. According to the report, the victim was not having any jewelry but makeup as well as toenail polish was in plenty. Her jacket was traced somewhere near the body in the brush, large and blue in color, heavy winter jacket and was embroidered the name “AT & T,”at the left breast. The pants and shoes of the victim could not be found at scene of crime. However, a thorough search that was performed to look for the murder weapon but nothing was found.
The whole investigation process and time was successful and the weather was conducive, which was mild and clear with the temperature that ranged at fifties until the sun went down. There was no doubt that this victim was brutally murdered through the evidence found at the scene of crime. The report records as well as the photos and sketches show evidently that the girl obtained numerous injuries of stabs that must have been very agonizing. The fact that the body of the deceased was left almost naked indicates that there were chances that the assailants could have raped the victim. The development that is found out of the photographs is that the body first landed the ground at the parking lot, which suggests that the murder could have happened at that spot or elsewhere. In addition, there must have been struggle between the victim and the assailant because she was killed brutally, as she bears many wounds from the stabs. It also shows that the right side of her face was more affected by the stab as it bled a lot covering her face with blood. The scene of crime took place at bushy surroundings, which gave the assailant adequate time of committing the offence. The patrol officers as well as the other investigators were armed with the necessary tools for adequate investigative process (Mauro & Melton, 2003).
Victim’s identity
The investigators could not identify the victim from the beginning, as there was not any form of her identification at the crime scene. Therefore, they made attempts of identifyi...
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