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Compare & Contrast: Country living vs City living

Essay Instructions:
Compare & Contrast Length: 5 paragraphs and at least 2 pages For this assignment, you will be writing a short essay using compare & contrast.
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Comparing and Contrasting Country Life to City Life
While comparing and contrasting country living and city living we come to a conclusion that the major differences that are characterized in both scenarios are majorly encompassed in the amenities are exclusive to both environments, the surrounding environment itself as well as the neighborhoods that can be found in both scenarios. We further establish that the pros and cons in both scenarios are heavily reliant on the lifestyle individual`s prefer to have, and therefore the perceived advantages and disadvantages are largely due to taste and preferences of individual preferences.
To begin with, infrastructure such as roads and telecoms is much more improved and sophisticated in the city than in the countryside. This is largely due to the rising populations in the city as a result of factors that affect rural-urban migration. These factors may include the prospects for a better life, education, and work among many others. As a result, the city governments may find it necessary to roll out strategies that shall see the accommodation of the growing population of the urban centers. This is where infrastructure gets improved and it is quite commonplace to see new amenities such as hospitals and schools as well us improving of the already existing ones. In contrast in the rural areas, or countryside, it comes as no surprise that the infrastructure is less developed. For example, in developing countries, it would be difficult to get good roads or working telephone lines in the countryside as opposed to the city.
Diversity is probably another equally big difference in both countryside and city lives in that in the city it is expected and so it is usually the case that there are people from different backgrounds that have come together to live in one place as they chase dreams such as, as already highlighted, good jobs, good life and better education. While in the countryside you shall find a particular tribe, race, or culture forming a predominant determinant in a particular area such as villages or remote jurisdictions, in the city you will always find several people from different backgrounds staying side by side as they pursue their individual dreams in the city. It is then no wonder that a city as big as New York, will have people from Asian, American, European and African origin doing business together. A small town, say in Alaska, will probably have people of predominantly Russian decent.
Another major difference is the economy of the respective scenarios. Due to several factors, including those already discussed above, you will find that the city enjoys a robust economy compared to the country life majorly because of its big population, diversity in business and social amenities, market availability among other factors. In contrast, there would be little to experience in the countryside small economies that offer much fewer options to choose from because the marke...
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