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6 pages/≈1650 words
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English (U.S.)
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Essay Instructions:
This essay is about a plot device from a film, television show, or book and explore the economic implications of the plot device. In this essay the film \"Limitless\" was choosen. Thus the main idea of the essay is \"Limitless: People can access only 20% of their brain, but what if a revolutionary new pharmaceutical allow them to tap their full potential? What if just one tablet a day gives an access to 100% of their brain? What are the economic implications if human abilities are limitless?\" The essay will be evaluated based on this criteria: o Did the student explain the plot device adequately? o Is the question at hand interesting? o Did the student take their time evaluating the question from multiple angles? o Was the analysis insightful? Did the author think of something I didn't?
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The movie Limitless gives us a front row seat to what a world of limitless possibilities would be like. It follows the character of Cooper who gets an unlimited access to everything he has ever wanted when his abilities and imaginations are limitless. This fun make belief movie introduces us to the pill NZE whose dictum is "Accessing 100% of your brain Is possible."
This follows the common myth that human beings use only 20% of their brains and correspondingly, human beings can only reach 20% of their potentials. What is also true is that we have been programmed to stretch our brains to certain levels, either because we have appreciated our current circumstance that we can only think so much, or because we feel that the next level thinking is untenable.
We all make decisions in considerations of some priorities in our life. But what guides us or compels us on how far we can go in the various areas that we consider important to us? The teenager who stretches to make $ 500 to buy a phone, or the young man who works extremely hard to make $ 2,000 in a month so that he can move to his own house, is there a rationale that they can only make that much? Does the young couple who make $ 6, 000 a month so that they can buy a new house set that goal because they are not in a position realistically to earn more to get an even better house?
Enters NZT. The common thread in the three examples above is what NZE the magic 1x1 pill seeks to solve. The consistently unfulfilled life, work and relationship, the aspiration to do things that you believe you would never accomplish, the wish that you would tap into all your unrealized potential. The implications of unlimited human abilities are bountiful.
In a world where human abilities were unlimited, people would have greater intelligence learning faster and also learning more. The people with this unlimited brain ability would enjoy indulging in a lot of reading and thus have a greater depth of appreciating certain things, besides having more insight into life. Economically, this would mean that people would be prone to make good financial decisions. Due to the high degrees of financial literacy in people with unlimited human abilities, there would be less borrowing, less poverty, less money paid in financial related products.
Moreover, there would be more investments, better mortgage selection. People plan for their retirement, more, those who plan end up being twice as wealthy as they would had they not planned. Further, financial ignorance would decrease significantly, where there would minimal cases of people incurring avoidable fees and charges from things like overspending their credit limits, late credit card payment and using cash advances. Due to the acquisition of great wealth of knowledge, people with 100% brain capacity will be forward looking, anticipating future trends and variables such as inflation, income growth, and pension benefits as well as have the intelligence to establish present discounted values.
In sum, if human abilities were limitless they would amass all the economic know-how since they will be able to learn faster and more which in effect would make them safe investors, inside investors, and rich investors. They will be able to look at into an investment and see the facts, the truth, the fiction, the risks and opportunities. The world would be healthier economically. To many, winning a lottery is the most practical strategy of securing several thousands of dollars in wealth for their individual retirements. There are a growing number of compelling reasons to bolster the fact that most Americans are just financially illiterate. If human abilities were uninhibited therefore, people would be more financially literate and they would have the ability to make informed decisions and effective judgments regarding the management and use of money. Households that are not financially literate are bound to make poor choices and judgments that consequently affect them, as the decision makers and their families and the community at large. Financial literacy therefore is a fast order concern for the general public.
There is an element of grooming that is associated with people who are brainy - smartness or grooming. People would be better looking. The average looking person would significantly move up to what the current scales defines as good looking or well groomed. There is a correlatio...
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