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Cork Morning Post, 6 September 1822

Essay Instructions:
- Imagine that you are the editor of a small newspaper (between the years of 1750-1865). Write up a newspaper account about an issue, piece of legislation, or an event for your newspaper (the event need not have happened locally). Be sure to include your "dateline" - newspaper name (which indicates location), date, and headline. Remember good articles often have quotes from eyewitnesses or participants or from laws, etc. You have room on your one sheet newspaper for a 500-750 word account Remember, you are taking on the persona of a person living at the time - you do not know how history will turn out and you should only include information that makes good historic sense. So no use of a telephone to receive the news, etc. It is due by Friday, 3/15 at 11:59pm.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Date of Submission
Cork Morning Post, 6 September 1822 - LOSS OF THE PACKET-SHIP LIVERPOOL
As things stand, our newspaper has already announced the sudden disappearance of the Packet Ship Liverpool on the shores of Newfoundland. The ship was reported to have left the shores of New York to Liverpool in the 16th ult. However, the passengers abode this ship together with the crew survived the unfortunate event, though it is speculated that they must have borne severe sufferings in the open boats for five days before being rescued and docked at St. Johns Newfoundland.
The captain of the boat was Lee and him together with the rest of the crew returned to New York while the other persons on board were taken to England aboard the Dart which decked at Bristol on 24th inst. As the world recovers from the remarkable accident, the passengers continue to share their ordeal and the following is a copy of a letter written by one of the...
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