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Control of Epidemics and Outbreaks

Essay Instructions:

my text book give this topic to me: " Now that international travel is very easy, the spread of infectious disease such as Ebola is expanding. What are some possible solution for controlling epidemics and outbreaks ?

And my professor also give me three solutions :

1. check people before immigrant.

2. build more wash station that people can wash their hands everywhere

3. share information to other country if one country find the disease

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Control of Epidemics and Outbreaks Student Name Institution Affiliation The rapid occurrence of a disease for the first time is known as an outbreak. On the other hand, an occurrence of a group of maladies derived from a collective source is called an epidemic. For instance, Severe Acute Syndrome (SARS) is an epidemic illness that broke out in Asia spreading out to other countries. There is also a pandemic which may have started out as an outbreak, escalated and then eventually spread across countries and continents. The influenza virus is a good example. Other examples of such diseases include Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Chikungunya fever, cholera, and Yellow fever. These diseases have become prone to circulation. The recent trend in easing international traveling is attributed to the phenomena. Ways of controlling epidemic and outbreaks, therefore, forms the main focus for the paper. The main concern, however, is the transmission of these epidemics and outbreaks especially after traveling has been made easy in between countries. It has now become so easy to transmit diseases from infectious countries to countries that are infection free. In a situation where someone who does not know is infected travels to another country, he or she ends up spreading to the citizens of the country he is in thus causing a lot of deaths. This issue is still taking place because there is no proper handling of the people infected and thus it is still be transmitted to different people causing global pandemics. The number one solution to this global pandemic should be vaccination. This is the administration of an immunological component to protect anyone against an infection. Vaccination will not o...
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