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GLOB 1100 Essay 3: Advertising and Responsibility

Essay Instructions:

GLOB 1100 Essay 3: Advertising and Responsibility

For this assignment, choose an environmental, social, political, or cultural issue that you are interested in exploring more deeply. Then choose an advertisement that you believe makes an important statement related to that issue. After analyzing the advertisement, create an argument explaining what statement the advertisement is making and why it is important.

Notes for Completing this Assignment:

Choose an issue and imagine that you are explaining the environmental, social, political, or cultural issue to someone who has never heard or learned about it. You need to give background information with the help of academic sources. You must describe the situation/issue and explain why people should care about it.

Choose an advertisement that makes a statement about this situation/issue. This could be a print advertisement or a commercial.

Make a claim (thesis) that is supported by your advertisement. Then clearly support your claim with evidence from your advertisement (Minor Assignment 3 will help you with this).

Explain why this issue is important and why people should pay attention to it and to the claim made by the advertisement.


This essay should be between 1000-1200 words.

You should use one-inch margins, 12-pt. font, double-spacing, a title, the correct header, and page numbers.

Your advertisement is one source, and you should find two to three additional sources that discuss your topic to help you in your essay. You may find sources that discuss the company/organization that created the advertisement, sources that discuss the public reaction to the advertisement, sources about your current issue/situation, etc.

You must have a Works Cited page, and you must also cite all of your sources in your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advertising and Responsibility
Student`s Name
Advertising and Responsibility
According to the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (2016), the promotion and the subsequent advertisements of alcohol and its consumption should be controlled to protect the youths from the menace of drug addiction and the negative consequences that come with its consumption. Many young generations globally have been affected by drug abuse. Lives have been lost through accidents and ill-health. Other social evils like early pregnancies, theft, truancy and increased crime rates have been escalated by drugs thus exposing a breakdown in the social and cultural norms of the society. Advertisement of alcohol and its products is a case of the cultural and social problem addressed herein. Alcohol ads increase consumption among the underage children while increasing the loyalty and market share of the ad company. Even though there are legislation and restrictions from the regulators and health organizations, advertisements have indeed broken the cultural and moral fabric of the society from the advertisements which sadly, are tolerated by the state. However, it is equally important to note the significance of parenting and family values in the conundrum.
According to an advertisement by Guinness Kenya, and alcoholic Beer drink developed by the East African Breweries, the advertisement is stating that such an advert should not be shared to persons under the age of 18 years. In addition, the advert states that excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to consumers` health. However, it is imperative to note that within the advertisement video circulated in social media like Facebook, Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and their Website, there is no picture of a harmful incidence of the effects of alcohol. Instead, the advertisements show how people come together, happy and enjoy quality time together while watching football games. The advert also uses pictures of healthy people in their youthful ages sharing fun, joy, and happiness. The ad uses the videos of young people who could be indeed eighteen years of age but it is difficult to verify. The age difference can thus be assumed to be sixteen or seventeen. The under eighteen-year-olds can also resonate well with their peers who could just be a few years older than them.
The advert by Guinness shows clearly the entrenchment of impunity by the companies supported by weak laws to corrupt the social and cultural fabric of the society. The fact that the advertisement states that it should not be shared to under 18 years attracts the same age brackets to view the contents of such advertisements. The fact that it is stated in the advertisements that it should not be sold to persons under the age bracket doesn’t comply that if it is bought by over eighteen years then under 18 years cannot consume it. Mentioning the age bracket in itself is also targeting the young population. (Kariuki, 2018). It is ironical in the advertisement that it talks about harmful health while it doesn’t show an affected person, of a cancer victim after consuming alcohol. According to DiSalvo 2016, advertisements in social media encourages drinking. DiSalvo posits that there is a very fine line between ads on social media and regular posts. According to the Forbes contributor DiSalvo, when the ads are targeted to a particular audience, they tend to test the drinks out of curiosity. Unfortunately, such a majority of social media adherents and the young population.
Wallace 2016 contend that the more advertisements on alcoholic drinks the kids are able to see, the more they are attracted to drink such that the question is not the brand...
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