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Conscious Purpose versus Nature and The Question Concerning Technology

Essay Instructions:

Essay#1 is a 1000-word descriptive interpretation of a pattern that connects any two of the readings covered up to and including June 1st. The task is to locate a pattern that connects any of
the two readings, either through your own reading, the lectures, or both. The essay must propose and then describe the shared pattern with at least four direct quotations from the texts. Your opening sentence must directly summarize the pattern that connects. The body of the essay will consist of your demonstration of what the pattern looks like through examining the three quotes and connecting them to your opening statement. And also the resources are all from my text book, I will upload the article late this night!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Summary Essay
This essay examines the analysis, summary and comparison of two articles: “Conscious Purpose versus Nature and The Question Concerning Technology.” In the article that has been entitled as “Conscious Purpose versus Nature,” is mostly based on the civilization. Civilization originated or has got its roots from the three main civilizations: the Greek, the Hebrew, and the Roman. It seems that the kind of civilization that people are enjoying is comparable to leavened civilization by a downtrodden, took advantage of the colony is Palestine. When St. Paul boasted that he was born free, which simply meant that he was born to be a Roman and therefore it made it to have some legal advantages. Beginning from the time of Thomas and Aquinas up until in the eighteenth century in the Catholic countries and also during the Reformation that were taking place among the protestants, this due to the fact that the structure of Christianity as a religion was mainly Greek. By the mid eighteenth century, people were introduced to the world where there was a supreme being above there, who was the originator of every nature. In Christianity as a religion, that super natural being above there was God. God who is above every nature has been given different attributes by some philosophers. According to Christianity as a religion, God is the creator of human kind and every nature, but there are other scholars that harbor contrary opinion to that reasoning. There are other people like Darwin that have tried to explain that man evolved from apes. The ladder was made to go down in a descending manner, from the Supreme Being, to the apes, and all through to the infusora. The ladder was made of a set of deductive steps from the most perfect explanation of the origin of man to the most naïve and crude one. One of the scholars called Lamarck, who was one of the greatest biologists ever lived turned the ladder or the hierarchy upside down. He stated that the hierarchy should begin with the crudest explanation of the creation of nature and the origin of man. There was an assumption that the human beings and other species were not changing. The changing of the order in the hierarchy has been described as one of the most astonishing feats that had ever been witnessed. The turning upside down of the ...
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