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Narrative Writing: What Is The Conflict And The Resolution?

Essay Instructions:

Paragraph 2: Narrative—Brainstorm and outline due. Complete the worksheet before you write your paragraph.
Paragraph 2: Narrative—First Version due. Bring a printed copy to class AND upload an electronic version to Turnitin on Bb.
The first version must follow the topic and requirements from the “Brainstorm” handout (see “handouts” if needed).
Incorporate at least 5 vocabulary words from the readings we studied in MR: Ch 1-3—underline the words so they are visible.
Include the elements of description and narration.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Narrative Writing
Your Name
Your Institution of Affiliation
February 9, 2018
1 What story will you tell?
1 The story that I would be telling is about the time when I wanted to learn how to play the piano through self-study. This would include the difficulties that I had to face, the milestones that I set, as well as the results of the hard work and dedication that I poured in.
2 Who are the characters and what are their roles?
2 The characters included in this story would myself as the protagonist, my uncle Baba, and my mother. I would be the main character in the story. Baba would be the jolly and benevolent man who would help me from time to time in learning the piano. And lastly, my mother would be my greatest supporter whom I find solace whenever I fail or find anything very difficult.
3 What is the conflict and the resolution?
3 The conflict in this story are the challenges that I had to face in order learn the piano. This would include the resources, the time, and also the immense amount of effort that I had to pour in, to be able to achieve his dream.
4 Why is this story so important to you? (i.e. did it teach you something important? Was it a significant life event?)
4 Yes. I strongly believe that aside from the main goal – learning the piano – the challenges that he had to face was also vital for the delivery of the morale of the story. This is because of the fact that if not for these difficulties, I would have quit altogether, and/or fail to cherish the whole learning process itself. This, in turn, leads to an important lesson that the other readers could learn.
5 Brainstorm a list of important points and details for each narrative element from your story:
5 The plot/BG/Introduction to the conflict
1 The reason why I wanted to learn the piano
2 Context of the whole situation (i.e. external environment)
3 The difficulties in terms of resources, initially hindering me from playing (e.g. going to uncle’s house just to play)
6 The conflict/climax/turning point
4 The time when he had to balance my s...
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