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Curriculum and Assessment Research & Alignment to Standards

Essay Instructions:

1.Locate the Alabama Development Standards for Pre-school at www.aldse/sec/ses/Preschool/Developmental_Standards_handbook.pdf. Note the nine areas of development that these standards address.

2. Research the curriculum used at your Capstone site. Selma,Alabama @ Byrd School

3. Research the assessment method

Prepare a paper which detail the curriculum and the assessment method used, and how they align with the Alabama Developmental Standards for Pre-school. Provide specific examples of curriculum activities and assessment strategies for each standard. The environment is play based, the students learn their names, numbers, ABC's, how to write, play well with others, and sing a lot of rhyming songs. Have a question of the day daily.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Curriculum and Assessment Research & Alignment to Standards
At Byrd School, the mission is to provide child-centered and integrated curriculum of the arts, academics, and technology. This is done by having a school environment with enhanced collaboration among all stakeholders so that children develop and discover their personal interests and talents. This is also meant to help children recognize their roles in the community and the school. It is therefore recommended that the learning community is positive, respectful, and safe for all learners, families, and the faculty so that students become productive society members. This aligns with Alabama Developmental Standards for Preschool by ensuring that while teaching young children, the aim is not to enhance academic performance. With safe, respectful, and positive learning environment, children are able to improve and develop their literacy and language development, emotional and social development, executive function, physical wellness and development, cognitive development, and creative expression.
Since the center provides a child-centered and integrated curriculum of arts, academics, and technology, creative expression is easily enhanced (Alabama, 2017). This is because children would not only learn Math and sciences, but also be able to explore the arts, music, movement, and drama. Creative expression is also enhanced by learning one’s names, ABC’s, and how to write. When one is able to give out his names, he is able to express himself. In a similar manner, a child who is able to read and write would express himself through reading and writing. Further, with the obvious curriculum of academics, children’s cognitive development is improved. This is by supporting the children’s mental processes required to think, understand knowledge in varied subjects such as social studies, mathematics, and science, as well as make sense of the world. This means that children would not learn the taught subjects in school in order to pass the examinations, but also be able to understand the world they live in better and thus think critically when dealing with complex situations. This makes it possible to fit in the future world in which children would be grown-up as independent adults who have people depending on them (Jackman, Beaver& Wyatt, 2015).
It is also notable that the curriculum supports an environment allowing collaboration of different stakeholders, thus making it possible to develop and discover one’s interests and talents. This helps in physical wellness and development since stakeholders interested in giving the children opportunities to create small- and large-muscle skills, knowledge, strength, and stamina required in living a healthy lifestyle. This is by incorporating experts in physical education and nutrition from which children would learn appropriate physic...
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