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ITV Journal for critical thinking and composition class film aladdin

Essay Instructions:
View the cartoon aladdin(disney 1992) and evaluate the claim from some critics that the film is racist in its portrayal in Middle Eastern people. State your evidence for or against in 250 word paper. Writing Analyt ic Essays 1.The point of a pap er is to "state and defend some thesis". The thesis may be critical(The slippery sl ope objection to assisted suicide fails because...), o r substantive (abortion is mo rally permissible in fallowing cases...). This is a spec ial kind of expository writ ing. One kind of expository writing (textbooks,newspapers) is designed to convey inf ormation, and another is designed to prove a point. Philosop hy papers of the first sort are generally not acceptable. 2.The thesis of the pape r should be carefully s tated somewhere in the first paragraph of the essay. Your read er need to know what you are arguing for. 3.Some attempt should be made, either at the beginning or the end of the paper, to say why the thesis is interesting or impor tant. 4.It is often helpful to include a strategy paragraph before the actual argu mentation begins, ex plaining how you plan to defend your thesis. 5.By making refer ence to the strategy paragraph, or to an outline, you should be able to point to any paragraph in the e ssay and say just what it is supposed to contribute to the defense of the thesis 6 .if you cannot defend your thesis adequately, perhaps a weaker vers ion of your thes is can be defended. Then you can say what would need to be done in ad dition to what you have done to defend the stronger version. 7.A large part of the point of philo sophical writing is to bring precision and clarity to abstract, vague, and slippery issue.If you sense you discussion becoming overly general or vague, you 're on the w rong track. Start over. It is better to oil one small wheel than to utter incantatio ns over the whole machine. ----------------Grading Criteria------- 1. Relevance. If you write something down, the assumption is that you think it is releva nt. Papers containing material irrelevant to the thesis defended have poor prospects. 2. Cohere nce. This takes practice. A well defended false thesis is better than an i ll defend ed true thesis. 3.Accuracy. Be careful not to misrepresent or grossly misin terpret the text (if there is one) 4.Originality. Originality is not essential. More impor tant is how you put the ideas to use. If you use material (ideas,strategies,wha teve r) that is not your own,identify that source properly.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Critical thinking and composition class film Aladdin:
The cartoon movie Disney’s movie Aladdin (1992) is racist in its portrayal of Middle Eastern people. Nonetheless, despite its ability to build a strong economic foundation, the film invokes racial history that urges prejudice and daunts the realization of political activism.
The movie is racist through showing the Sultan and the Princess as the authority and hierarchy as white colored. . This is also evident by depicting the sultan at the top of the rankings based his skin color that is lighter than his daughters. The movie also creates racial segregation teachings that regard other cultures as inferior as compared to white mores therefore championing its expansion at the expense of other cultures.
Racial might as ...
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