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Composing an Introduction About Gentrification

Essay Instructions:

Composing an Introduction

you are basically writing the first main body paragraph based on the first reason and evidence I have here. write ONE main body paragraph utilizing one of the reasons I developed as the topic sentence, bringing in one your evidences that prove your reason, then explaining your evidence in your own words.

This is the evidence you’re going to use to write my paragraph:

Cole, M. (2021). Gentrification, its drivers, and urban health inequality 8(2), 157–166

"Although some argue that gentrification should reduce social, physical, and health inequalities due to social mixing and improvements in access to cultural and environmental resources and other services among lower-income residents remaining in their neighborhoods, past research shows that by some measures, residential socioeconomic segregation is increasing in neighborhoods experiencing gentrification. Gentrification may lead to the displacement of long-term— usually underprivileged—residents when they are unable to keep up with rising costs of housing and other costs of living, and it may lead to social or cultural exclusion as the population changes, shifting toward one that is wealthier, and more privileged. The increasing costs of living may be linked to heightened fear, anxiety, stress, and sleep deprivation for underprivileged residents."

The authors point to the potential adverse effects of gentrification on people experiencing poverty and those living in low-income groups. The excerpt above shows that gentrification can result in the eviction of disadvantaged residents who have lived in neighborhoods for many years and cannot afford the rising living and housing costs. Such crowding out can be leading to increased socioeconomic isolation in areas affected by gentrification. In addition, neighborhood residents are moving to the more privileged and affluent. This change can lead to the cultural and social exclusion of neighborhoods and original members of the community. The researchers also found that rising living costs contribute to increased anxiety, stress, sleep deprivation, and stress among poor and disadvantaged neighborhoods. Such negative impacts indicate gentrification may exacerbate current inequalities rather than benefit low-income earners. This evidence shows that gentrification adversely affects communities and people affected by poverty.

1st sentence (Status Quo):

2nd sentence (Destabilizing Condition):

3rd sentence (Consequence):

4th sentence (Thesis statement):

Status Quo

Once upon a time…

“What is this?”

Make your topic or issue at stake clear.

Describe unchanging facts about the topic/problem. State common but incorrect or incomplete assumptions.

• For many years, people have debated about ~

• ~ has been controversial because ~

• ~ has dominated discussions of ~

• Many people think ~

• At first glance, it may seem like ~

Destabilizing Moment


“Why should I read it?”

State something the reader does not know yet.

Describe something that reveals the status quo assumptions to be incomplete or inaccurate. What specific fact or concept helped you to discover the thesis?

• This initial perception fails to take into account ~,

• This theory can’t explain ~

• People have failed to notice, however, ~


So what?

“How does it affect me?”

Show readers why they should care.

Make clear how the issue at stake relates to the reader. State or hint consequences that will follow if your reader does not act as you say. What bad or good things will happen if people continue to believe the status quo? What bigger questions has it helped you answer? What problems has it helped you to understand or solve?

• If we continue to believe~ , we'll never understand the larger question of ~.

• Unless we change ~ , we will continue to have trouble with ~.

• Once we understand ~, we'll begin to see the answer to the problem ~.

• By rethinking our approach to ~, we can fix ~ .



“What am I going to do?”

State your thesis.

Provide a better theory or explanation to replace the status quo. Name something interesting that you've learned about the topic from reading, discussions, and research.

Here is a sample:

People have long debated about gentrification in New York City, specifically the Bronx, and the effects it has on the community. The people who are on the positive side of gentrification often fail to consider the challenges that this process imposes on most individuals who live in a gentrified area. Instead of thinking about the ways that it creates hardships for old residents, they think about how renovating a community can drive new people in by making it profitable and aesthetically pleasing. If we continue to believe that gentrification does not harm old residents, then we will never fully understand both sides of the debate and why so many people are against it. The process of gentrification seems to only benefit the gentrifiers, new investors, and the new incoming residents of a gentrified community, while misplacing pre-existing residents who are less financially stable, and less knowledgeable in economics and politics.

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Putting Together a Paragraph
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Putting Together a Paragraph
Over the years, there has been a long debate regarding gentrification since some groups have been supporting it, highlighting that it will correct the economic gap between the rich and the poor people, while others highlight that it would likely continue in the exploitation of poor people since the rich people will compete for the limited facilities with the low-income earners. However, since these groups only view one side of the topic, it could be critical to analyze both sides to explain how gentrification will affect the people, creating measures to help the rich and the poor. If people continue believing that gentrification only ...
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