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Comparative Essay: Comparing the theme of entrapment in Ishmael Beah's short story ABC Antidote and John Updike's A & P

Essay Instructions:


Upon successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to

Write personal responses in reading fiction

Move from response writing to writing a critical essay

Use analysis of themes in two stories about work to find deeper meaning in each and

Write academically using literary texts as primary sources


Students are to write a comparative, critical essay analyzing two short stories, based on their personal responses to the texts and their own questions as critical readers.


Read the four short stories listed below:

A & P by John Updike

ABC Antidote by Ishmael Beah

A Doctor's Visit by Anton Chekhov

Some Women by Alice Munro

Write a formal essay (1000 words, +/- 100 words) comparing the themes of entrapment in any two of the stories.

The essay should contain a title page, introduction (thesis statement), a body with careful and logical organization of arguments and observations, and a conclusion.

Use APA style in formatting your essay.

Support your observations with quotations from the stories. Do not cite or incorporate secondary sources; this is YOUR analysis, not a summary of someone else’s.

The essay is to be based on your careful reading of the stories, your personal response and critical thinking about them, with the intent to discover deeper meaning in exploring and comparing these themes in two rather than in reading only one story.

Suggested ways to approach this assignment:

After reading all four stories, choose the two that appeal to you most, or about which you see an interesting possible comparison.

Use free writing or mind mapping or even brief notes to explore your responses and reactions to the stories.

Do not censor your first responses; let your feelings and thoughts flow.

Compose a list of questions about each story.

Write a first draft of the essay, answering your own questions, if possible, and indicate where you have difficulty answering the questions. This is at the heart of your analysis.

Continue to revise, with at least two more drafts, adding quotations from the stories and details of characterization, plot, and theme.

Write a final draft in which you mostly eliminate the pronoun I in your writing but make your own judgements about the stories clear.

Indicate in the conclusion to the essay which story you prefer and why. Also state why you would (or would not) recommend this story about workplace to another reader.

(Re)write your introduction last, as it needs to reflect the body of your work.

As you reread your last draft, be sure the thesis statement or main controlling idea in the essay is clear.


The following rubric indicates those areas you should be focusing on in preparing your assignment, and how the instructor will weigh these components relative to one another.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated

% of Final Grade


Thinking and analysis (55%)

a. Presents a carefully thought out thesis statement


b. Questions posed and answered


c. Personal involvement as reader discussed


d. Appropriate quotations chosen


e. Examples used as illustration for main ideas



Communication (25%)

a. Uses language clearly and effectively


b. Information organized intelligently and holistically(i.e. not simply answers to questions)


c. Proper introduction and conclusion to paper



Attention to Detail (20%)

a. APA format (title page, reference page)


b. Paragraphing (each paragraph with topic sentence) and correct sentencing


c. Appropriate balance of details and ideas



Assignment Value (%): 15%



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparative Essay
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Course Title
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Comparing the theme of entrapment in Ishmael Beah's short story ABC Antidote and John Updike's A & P
People get entrapped in different situations in contemporary life. Entrapment is a term that refers to a state where a person is caught up or trapped in a situation, which could be a reality, fantasy, or random thoughts. An example of a situational entrapment is when two people who were deep in love break up, and one of them does not want to accept the fate of their relationship and move on. Such a person turns down new proposals from potential partners. A similar situation may happen to a person who is forced into leaving what they like and forced to do what they do not find joy in doing. In this case, they get entrapped in their initial state. The short stories ABC Antidote written by Ishamel Beah and A & P written by John Updike build up on the entrapment theme through different scenes and narration. In ABC Antidote, characters Abu, Foday, Commander Prophet, and the other soldiers are entrapped in different situations. Similarly, Sammy, Lengel, and the three girls in A & P are entrapped in various life situations and moral customs.
Beah's ABC Antidote presents a flashback story of Foday and Abu when they were in the military. Foday narrates this story to his professor, and classmates in his new school, giving a rationale on his perception of why people get educated. Their military station was in Foday's former school. His story begins with soldiers burning benches, books, and other materials in the school to illuminate the camp at night. The burning of papers makes Foday remember his school days when people were happy to see him running to school. Now that he is a soldier, people fear him because of how soldiers beat up people and lead wars. The next day after holding down and defeating bandits who attacked their camp at night, Foday goes into one of the halls he used to study as a student and goes into deep thought, reflecting on how life has changed. Abu and two other colleagues catch up with him, wondering why he is singing school songs. The songs are not allowed in the camp, and Commander Prophet kills those found singing the school songs instead of the military songs. This indicates that Foday is entrapped in his past life.
On the other hand, A & P presents a story of Sammy, a grocery store worker. Three girls come into the shop dressed in bathing suits, attracting Sammy's attention and ultimately making him resign his position in the grocery. He wonders why the girls are dressed in bathing suits, yet there is no beach near the grocery (Updike, 1961). Sammy, the 19-year-old clerk in the New England grocery, quickly profiles the girls and identifies his favorite, Queenie. The girls approach Sammy's desk to pay for the groceries, and Sammy cannot stop fantasizing. Soon, Lengel, the grocery manager, approaches and warns the girls for dressing indecently, against the store's policy. Queenie does not agree with him that they were indecently dressed. Lengel warns that they should dress well next time. Sammy is not happy with Lengel's confrontation and criticism and decides to quit. He rings up the girls and follows them outside the store. Lengel tries to talk to him, but Sammy does not change his mind despite knowing that Lengel is right. In the end, Sammy misses both his job and the girls.
Foday is entrapped in his past life as a student in ABC Antidote. In his flashback, Foday narrates his experience in the military, an experience he did not enjoy. First, Foday wishes he was in his school-going age where people used to cheer him up. It was a good experience when people smiled at him on his way to school or called him to read them let...
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